Category Archives: Science of It

The latest Science of Mindfulness, multiple dimensions, consciousness, and quantum physics.

Raven of New Light

Raven of New Light

Raven of New Light brings comfort, ease, harmony, flow, love.

Raven of New Light continues the Raven Tales of bringing Light to mankind. She carries the ease, comfort, love, and harmony of letting go of old, and allowing inner wisdom, enlightenment, and harmony to navigate life. The inner journey of light begins the transformation.

First Raven was white. She has always been a protector, prophet, and messenger of knowledge, power, and wisdom. She scorched her body on her flight to the Sun, to bring fire for the warmth and hearths of First People.

I wanted to capture the illuminated Spirit Raven, as she teaches us to Fly Free, go within for truth of ourselves, and open the path to enlightenment for each of us. This is an inner journey. The turquoise is the heart chakra, coming alive with love and compassion. The golden ochre is for the treasure of Light flowing through, bringing harmony, resonance, and balance to all our body frequencies. Plus, the Full Moon blesses us at this time with tidal waves of energy, for health, wealth, and abundance.

All this flows over the sacred space in between, the liminal space of no time, no thing, and no body. Here is the Unknown, the Mystery, where the unified field of Source lives and thrives. In addition, Creation happens when we enter this Magical place with our intention and attention. Energy is just neutral until we direct it. Then, Magic happens.

“Everything in our material world is always emitting light and information- including you. ” Dr Joe Dispenza, Becoming Supernatural

Visible light, our land, body, people, world, is infinitely tiny compared to the full spectrum of Light constantly pulsing through the Universe. We’ve measured high frequency Gamma, X-rays, and Ultraviolet with highly sensitive machines. Plus, we’ve also captured very slow, low vibrations of infrared, and of course, Radio Waves in the air with every wireless device possible. Lying in the between, is our small sliver of human visible light of objects. Reality is so much vaster than what we can see, feel, and touch. But it exists.

Raven of New Light brings a New Way of Being for our world and ourselves.

So, Raven returns, at this pivotal time in the world, as Consciousness rises to Awareness, light, and mindfulness. The Inner Journey fills us with New Light for our New World and New Bodies.

Entering the Mystery is a beautiful place, full of possibilities, wonder, and amazing power. Plus, as we focus within, electromagnetic energies in every cell, gather life force, strength, and power to reach higher levels of beauty, love, and wisdom with every emotion we imagine. This is how we evolve, grow, and expand in mind, body, and spirit.

So, follow your heart on the inner journey. Breathe gently, sit quietly, and see light entering every part of you. Next, Imagine your energy flowing in the space all around you, forming a huge cocoon of light. Enter the Unknown, and See your future self healthy, wealthy, and full of love. Above all, Feel the beauty, light, flow, peace and harmony within you and without. Breathe it in.

Finally, begin each day with the inner journey of Light, and see what amazing experiences flow your way, all day long. Be aware of your light within as often as possible. Imagine, you are the creator of Magic in and around you. Your heart’s desire is waiting for you to create your perfect world.

Play of Light

Play of Light

Play of Light is so amazing as the Sun hits more extreme angles and illuminates gold! On our Litchfield Hills, layers of brilliance appear, valleys lighten up, misty lavenders glide over the land, and changing colors brighten up the landscape. It’s like a dreamscape, another world. I recall reading the ‘flowering of human consciousness’ in…Continue Reading

Moon Dance

Moon Dance

Moon Dance started with our Hazy Moon, lost in the smoke of Canadian wildfires spreading thoughout our night sky. The scent of smoke hangs in the air. Also, a very surreal summer feeling fills both day and night. It turns the Sun orange, cools the temperatures, and casts strange shadows through the trees. Next, inspired…Continue Reading

Living The Island Life

Living The Island Life

Living the Island Life is allowing events to happen without expectations or beliefs holding you back. It’s letting go of controlling everything you want to happen, and just living with what is. This is True Flow. Also, so much depends on our attitudes and really Being Present to life around us. Every day should be…Continue Reading

Words Have Power

Words Have Power

Words have Power! Especially the word Beauty. Plus, the words we use, the ones we obsess over in our lives, the ones filled with our energy and emotions, are supercharged. They change our feelings, decisions, and attitudes so deeply, that they affect our cells and brain. Like magnates, they attract more of the same. Imagine,…Continue Reading

Balance Dark & Light

Balance Dark & Light

Balance Dark & Light shows the truth of our lives filled with the tiniest bits of constantly moving particles. We are the stuff of the stars, and they are dancing together continually, creating our multi-dimensional universe. Filled with information, there is as much knowledge carried in the invisible (to our eyes) segments as there are…Continue Reading



Time-Timelessness-The Mysterium: Entering the Unknown Time-Timelessness, is said to be the focus of the new decade. We all thrive on experiences. But which ones are the right ones for us in this limited energy world? Where do you choose to spend your time? First of all, scrolling through social media leaves nothing to show for…Continue Reading