Full Moon of Coming Home

Full Moon of Coming Home

                                                            Primordial Seas

Full Moon of Finding Myself

The Full Moon always stops me, brings me to a standstill, a pause in life. In a strange way, I’m more grounded as She draws me back to myself. It’s easy to lose yourself in the busyness of life. Full Moon is like the Goddess of the Night, reminding me of the true journey of discovery of all that I am.

I wear a Goddess talisman to keep me aware of priorities. It holds the magic 3: a Guardian I’ve made in silver and gold with a fossil on top, a symbolic wooden antique needle for mending all broken things in life, and a very cool key I found at a flea market. The Key represents my discoveries and experiences that unlock yet another piece of myself. Each love, loss, happiness and heartbreak has been another turn of the key, changing everything. As another bolt drops into place, I get closer to opening the door of my True Self, and making myself whole again. Every discovery shows me my strengths and weaknesses, but all help me grow.

The Full Moon Of November is all about Water, emotions, and the tides of Life. It’s also called the Beaver Moon by the first Colonists and the Algonquin Tribes, since they are all busy building their homes for the winter.

So join me in the Primordial Seas of Life as we wade through the shore to the golden seas. See your milestones as another click of the lock that is You. I think the journey of finding ourselves is really a journey to our hearts, to our homes, to our Voices of Truth. Here’s an interesting entry about 3 Positive Actions that Increase Self-Acceptance. It all starts with loving ourselves first. Make this your Full Moon of Coming Home.

Goddess Talisman

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