The Essence of You

The Essence of You

Shadow Wolf, The Painting
                           My New Painting inspired by art apps: The Shadow Wolf

What is validity? What is security?

Often, in our society, both deal with concepts of acceptance outside of ourselves…things out ‘there’ that can’t be controlled. You can’t really make anyone do what you want. It has to be an inside job, something personal. Your own personal happiness must be your measure of validity, regardless of whether others buy into the best that you’re giving or not. Inner achievement cannot be measured in dollars.

The real Journey is all about the Self- that’s ultimately all that matters. Keep adding pieces to the puzzle that is You. Each ‘achievement’ is you at your BEST- that’s the goal.

In my life, I’ve seen that as Time & Space move through me, everything gets stripped away, down to the Essence. All the details, the end results, who did what to whom, dissolve until you are left with the pearl of wisdom, the bright bit of light added to your soul time on earth, the facet to the jewel that is you.

You gave your Best, continued to grow, and moved forward consciously. You’ll never know all who have been influenced with each act you did, but know it was a ripple in the Universe, that only you could have created. Its energy continues to flow out forever. Every interaction will be measured only by how you reacted- what you thought, did, and created in each moment of life.

How is your essence shining today? In the end, all you are left with is your Essence. When your Best is recognized by another who is seeking to do their Best, then Magic happens.

A surprise created in Art Apps. Classes start July 11. Sign up now.



Captiva Island Beach created in an Art App
Captiva Island Beach created in an Art App

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