Art is Needed

Art is Needed

Coastal Waters, New Painting Made during the deepest darkest days


Art is needed more than ever through these dark, sad times. The world has always been out of control, and out of our hands. Now more than ever. Our power, the only one we can shape and form to our liking, is us. What you think, how you act, and what you say is all on you. Every thought has an energy that ripples out to the Universe. How will you live in your personal world?

My guiding light these past few days is what Mike Dooley said, “What does love call you to do?” My love has always brought me back to art. Where the outside world challenges, your inner world creates.

So I’m excited to announce that the Dragonfly Art of Creativity is Open!

When the world is heavy, come do art to lighten up. I think the best part is that we follow the Artist Spiral Success Path. You get tools to dig deep and create your personal Map to follow. With an Artist’s Journal, you create a Resource, a Visual Diary, filled with all that you love, to guide you on your journey.

We start with our past, and all the emotions that lie deep within our memories. Writing it down is a great healing. Tools are given to expand those thoughts and trigger the feelings they hold.

Art is needed because it heals. We enter the deep rich land of the imagination. It offers healing in symbols, tones, and images. A picture often holds more than words can ever say. Limitless, timeless, open and spacious, this is where the heart speaks.

Then we eventually shift to our future dreams. What are you Becoming as an artist? Where will your art take you? Your journey is personal and so is your artist success Map. You discover your passion and follow it at your pace.

Inspiration boards fill our journal as we become explorers of our inner landscape. This diary will nurture you through the dark times and the light. With your Map to follow, you’ll be able to set Goals along the way.

Next we ask for Actions to achieve our heart’s desire. We put ourselves consciously in that sanctuary and listen. Images or colors may sail in on whispers of inspiration.

Using our exclusive system, you may set up a certain amount of time each week for art. An Art Studio/Space manifests as you make it a priority. You’ll discover your favorite art style, scale, and media to pursue. The goal is to ignite your passion and make more art. Seeking your path will make it appear.

Dragonfly will help build a strong foundation to follow your dreams. New tools will spark new ideas. You’ll immediately receive:

The Spiral Success Path

New Content every Week

An amazing Artist Community

A FREE Lesson to get you going

A Video Archive

What does love call you to do? How will you continue to move forward in your personal world? Join us at Dragonfly Art of Creativity. Come Home to Art. Play again. Balance out the world and discover your power.

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