The Observer of Life

The Observer of Life

the observer
The Observer, witness to a World we have no power over

The Observer is the wise soul who takes a step back to view all that she has no power over. So much of the World drama is a play of people having their own personal experiences and opinions, and really doesn’t enter our lives unless we allow it. She doesn’t obsess over what could happen, or especially what ‘should’ happen, since these are all figments about the future that usually never happen. She knows her emotions are her own to choose either rage & worry, or instead peace & love in her created world. Also, as the Creator of her Life, she realizes logic and reasoning can’t change anyone embroiled in emotion. She allows them all to go on their way without judgement.

I remember reading ‘The Tao of Physics’ years ago. It radically changed my view of life. Quantum Physics, how things work in unity at the very basic, smallest, vibrating particles level, shows how each of us, as Observers, are an integral part of evolution. Things change when I interact with them, see them, and engage them. Adding my energy, my consciousness, alters molecules of all life around me.

Also, like a scientist, if I choose to measure a particle, I see a particle. If instead, I want to measure a wave, the same element becomes a wave. My attention shifts the thing that I want to see. Amazing!

Instead of little beings tossed on the sea of life, imagine each of us as the Creator of our personal world with thoughts, ideas, feelings, and beliefs at every moment. To consciously be the Observer, is a powerful way to experience our own reality. Your focused, mindful attention, creates the world you see. We are all connected.

The Observer sees life as an evolving pattern.

Imagine, being like Raven, and stepping back to witness life without judgement. She sees it all, assimilates it, and then uses her inner wisdom to make best decisions for herself. She doesn’t ignore it, but realizes she only has power over herself, her choices, and her actions.

Raven is flexible, and sees life as cycles of storms to rainbows. Patiently she protects herself and her sacred space. She follows her feelings and stays involved in her personal creations and passions. This approach brings balance between the world out there and Creator Self within.

All things considered, let’s be clever like Raven and live Life fully. Now is the moment of power, as the Shamans say. The past is gone, the future is being created by how we shape our Presence in the world today.

Observe from a distance all things you can’t change. Be aware and offer compassion whenever possible. Focus on Creating a Masterpiece of your life. Live the life you want to see in peace, love, and harmony. Each of us is an integral piece in the huge, eternal Universe of moving, evolving, shifting life. Let’s use our power wisely.

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