Coastal Path

Coastal Path

The coastal path, the smooth path, choice in life, wea, pink sky, beach
Coastal Path, Choose The Smooth Path, Hammanasett Beach, Ct

Coastal Path is consciously choosing The Smooth Path of Life. It’s the easy way to go, to explore, to discover, and to transition into more. The Smooth Path is the liminal space between, the mysterious boundary separating new potentials from old patterns, feelings of knowing from following the crowd, and creating life instead of letting it happen to you.

More and more people are escaping from the constrictions of society, and choosing the freedom of their own agenda. An Alternate Lifestyle opens to the Unknown of unlimited possibilities, taking a chance, and being the Master of your life.

I see it happening everywhere. People moving to their favorite foreign vacation spot, while others choose travel over school to learn about life. More are listening to their inner voice and doing what ‘feels’ right. It’s trusting your intuition, creating your own vision, simplifying daily, and acting upon your inner wisdom.

Life is like a Beach. The first one I visited was highly rated, but small, with crowds rolling in all day, even though it was costly to attend. It sounded good on paper with a boardwalk, concessions, rides, and mini-golf. But in truth the water was rough and rocky. It hurt to walk barefoot near the water. Broken shells and small stones littered the way. And all amenities were truly ‘mini’. My imagination was far greater than what I found.

Next, I set my intention for what I truly wanted. I said/wrote/envisioned, ‘I choose the smooth path today’. Then, energies started to roll in my favor. Magic happened.

Then, I found a beach closer to home. It was huge. Sand was pure, white, and went on forever. Also, the path by the water was filled with perfect shells, brought on by gentle tides. Therefore, it was my Smooth Path in every way.

The Coastal Path painting appeared. I knew I wanted to explore the pink sky, muted sun, and layers of blue tides creating the smooth walkway. Here was the mysterious boundary between two worlds. Most of it was painted with a palette knife, and gesso mixed with magenta, turquoise, and Prussian blue. Layers flowed over shifting tides. I felt the smooth sand again, as my body moved with the beach, seemingly going on to the horizon.

Coastal Path starts with slowing way down, and being aware.

The Smooth Path simplifies choices and releases stress throughout the body. There are no doubts. My hairdresser tells of an author who’s hair turned white when she had to meet a publishers deadline to finish her novel. Once the book was completed, her body returned to balance, and her hair turned back to its natural color.

Ask yourself, what would make life easier today and stress free?

Back on the Beach, high winds kept breaking beach umbrellas. Umbrella stands screwed into the ground simply snapped in two. Others simply sailed across the sand stirring up trouble. One man just held onto his the entire afternoon.

On the other hand, we learned from others and bought beach chairs with attached canopies that worked perfectly. No umbrella needed.

Intentions, beliefs, and conscious choices create our lives every day. But we must be flexible, and act on our insights.

Plus, always remember, that what we do today creates our future. Thoughts today open to the potentials of tomorrow. Living in freedom of choice, acknowledging our inner wisdom, and adapting to life each day, create a Smooth Path in every way.

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