Timeless World

Timeless World

Timeless World, freedom to create, explore, discover wisdom of Self

Timeless World creates a more meaningful, fun, sensual life every day. As we step away from the constraints of schedules and deadlines, we enter into freedom, choice, and feeling. Each moment becomes inspired and leads us to the next event. We realize the energy of creation in the moment is all ours. Imagine, our attraction, personal magnetics, brings to us the right people, places, and ideas so that we keep moving forward.

Your world is truly your creation.

My way to be timeless is to make a list of things that must be done, but tell myself that by noon, I’m going to prep canvases with underpaint. Then I never look at my clock, watch, or phone again, and just do the list. My inner guide sets the pace. Plus, I’m never in overwhelm since I Know it will all get done in it’s own good ‘time’. Voila! Magic happens. By noon, the list is done and I head to the studio.

The next day, after morning coffee and writing, I give my day to creativity. I love it. It’s freedom to take the prepped canvas, and draw on it whatever feels right, with pastel pencils. Then I paint, trying a new deep cerulean blue with buff white, and brush it on all over in sky, earth, and water.

I love to make space to Imagine, daydream, and play with color and tools. Furthermore, tools can be sticks, palette knives, brushes, sponges, or fingers, as different marks become my own. I create textures, rub with cloth, scrape, and just see what happens!

Also, here is where I paint until the work feels done. No time limits here. No clock watching. Therefore, I have all the time in the world. This truly is a timeless space.

When I stepped back to evaluate Timeless World, everything was too laid out, hard edged, and similar. In addition, it didn’t feel right. So I took a large brush, some thinned color, and brushed over everything. It blended, and came together in a whole new way. Then I walked away. I will look at it tomorrow with fresh eyes and see if more needs to be done.

The next day, I added our Christmas Full Moon, stars, and ravens. To me, they are timeless in every way.

This is creative play at its finest. There are never any mistakes.

Timeless World documents your life in this Present moment.

Timeless World reminds you to be aware of your life around you now, not the world out there. Come home to seeing the details before you. What matters to you today? Who and what do you love? Where’s the feeling of beauty for you?

Look at the life you’ve created with New eyes. Find amazing things to love in your people. Also, connect in small ways with those you remember fondly. Create little thoughtful acts of kindness whenever possible. And enlist all your senses in enjoying this ‘time’ of your life.

Finally, a great way to live is to let go of the ‘what-ifs’ from the past, since those are deadends. But what-ifs for the future are Gold! What-if you lived as though your Dreams are happening Now! Fill yourself in ‘without a doubt’ feelings. Breathe it in. Seek the inner passion and feelings of unlimited ecstasy. You are healthy, wealthy, and full of fun adventures Today. Be the huge Spirit, the Angel experiencing Life on Earth with fresh eyes. And watch the Magic appear!

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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

In Memory of Pat Gullett, April 29, 2024

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