Light of Dreaming

Light of Dreaming

Light Of Dreaming, feeling, creating, doing from the heart

Light of Dreaming is stepping away from thinking, and immersing in feeling. It’s movement, flow, and your energy in trying something new. This is the ‘trusting your instincts place’ to create the Dance of Life and make a visual diary of this day in your life.

People have asked me, ‘So What Should I Do?’. But that’s the inner, personal, from the heart message from your Inner Guide. I can’t tell you what will trigger your passion, your Soul Intuition, or your way of creating. This is the inner journey each one of us must take. Therefore, it’s the place of listening, possibly playing the right music to ignite your truth, or burning incense and a candle to take you away from thinking and into creating.

Rituals are a wonderful way to touch the soul. Plus, they place you away from the weather, world, and wildness out there, and deep into a place of Magic. It’s all in your perception and in creating beauty that reflects your moment in time, today, now. Use whatever you find in your life today, and shape it, glue it, paint it. There are no mistakes in creating. Do what feels good!

In fact, I used to teach a course in Wabi Sabi. Here we would take actual pieces of nature, sticks, leaves, dried flowers, and make them a part of our painting. Layers of color worked with Nature to create a truly one of a kind message from you heart’s desire. They were beautiful and souvenirs to keep of this day in your life. You can even paint on leaves and press them into colors as instant printmaking. Or lay them down and sponge paint around them for negative shapes.

Light of Dreaming takes you deeper for balance to nourish your Soul.

My painting shows flow, movement, and a vast horizon of contrast and interest everywhere. Your eyes are carried around and drawn to the 7 white birds of spirit, soaring above the sea.

In addition, the image combines the Sea of passion and flow, with the big sky of Air, shifts, and changes. The Sky is inspired by my sky this day. As well as the white birds of the South. The weather is wild everywhere. What a perfect time to create. Make the best you can with what you’ve got.

So Why harness the energy of the Universe for yourself? The best answer is to Live the Life of your Dreams today! Be the Master of your life in every way. The winds are blowing and creating opportunities as never before. Discover what’s new and engage your Life’s patterns for the best life ever.

And know when to stop. When you make marks you like, keep it and start a new one.

This is how we live today. The Dreaming is a pause, a time for listening to our inner wisdom, to find our way. The art, any creativity, makes a visual statement of our moment in this precious day. It becomes a meditation on all that we are Becoming.

So live in the moment! Take the Sun when you can, and gather some supplies to play again. Fingers make great tools, as well as any kitchen utensils. Saran wrap makes wonderful dabbing color on anything, and adds interesting textures. Dance, walk, move when you can. Be inspired by the life around you, and see what Beauty may come. It’s Time to create Magic this Day, and everyday.

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