Full Moon Wisdom Owl

Full Moon Wisdom Owl

Full Moon Wisdom Owl, taking care of self in every way

Full Moon Wisdom Owl is stepping away from the world and taking care of your Self in every way. When Covid hits anyone close, all you can do is isolate. And that’s a great way to just turn inward for self care on a regular basis.

Enter the dreamtime, the world of the imagination, and just listen. What does your body call for at this time? Care for yourself as though YOU are the honored Guest in your beautiful home. Provide for your Body, Mind, and Spirit.

First of all, I love to eat French desserts as a special treat. They aren’t the gooey, sugery things you imagine! A slice of good cheese, surrounded by bright berries, crescents of orange, and sliced tart apples are the way elegant French restaurants end a meal.

Plus, I remember dining with my high school French club in an authentic French restaurant many years ago. The dessert was so different, that I’ll never forget it. Simple, served on beautiful plates, it was the most memorable part of the meal.

Next, take care of the body. A brisk walk if possible, triggers the metabolism, and awakens every part of the body. A gentle work out goes a long way to pampering and toning every muscle. Some light weights take care of the upper body, while yoga stretches ensure strong legs, back, and organs. It doesn’t have to be a hard workout to do great things for a supple, flexible body.

I was surprised when owl kept appearing for me this last week. Instead of a new painting of Light, Owl appeared. She always represents wisdom, detachment, and paying attention to my inner voice.

Then this article came my way: ‘What it’s like to be an Owl’. Owls are super creatures with their hearing that works as sight! Each ear tunes in differently to combine and form an image of anything in size, distance, speed, and form. They hold ancient extensions to their senses that are far more advanced than ours, or possibly hold traits we have lost over time. Our eyes have cones with some rods, while theirs are more than 90% rods, all the better to see at night and sense movement.

So Full Moon Wisdom Owl is also a time to delve deeply into our sensual self.

Society, family, and community have created so many rules to keep us in line. But the harshest rules are the ones we’ve place on ourselves. We keep ourselves from enjoying all the best life has to offer because of shame, guilt, and limits we place on ourselves. So many are not based in truth, but on emotions, or fear.

Therefore, what if we became more aware of our choices, and why we make them? Now is the time to break down the facade and enjoy all life has to offer.

Eat the cookie, wear red, dress up for your pleasure. Live to please yourself in every way.

In addition, we are not here to work hard, be productive, accomplish anything, or save anyone….except our selves. Do nothing at the expense of your Self.

So, live from your heart’s desire. Do what feels good every day. Sleep when your body needs it. Let go of expectations. And know that all you do is perfect in this moment of time.

Just a heads up! I’ve been trying to update my sending of blogs with Aweber. It’s very confusing, so if you don’t receive my usual on Thursday, starting Feb., here’s a link where all the latest can be found: .https://www.patsartfulllife.com/ Thanks so much for being in my life!

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