Quiet Light

Quiet Light

Quiet Light, going within, gathering your own energies to serve you, Qualities of Life

Quiet Light is gathering your energies to create the best qualities of life each day. Life and art need the same resources to thrive, evolve, and Become More. Knowing what you value and require is the place to start.

For me, I see 5 Basic Elements of life that must be in order for a rich happy life. First is the Body. When the body is in deep healing mode, or off center, nothing else flows as smoothly as possible. So I eat light healthy foods, exercise as best as I can, and aim for a good nights natural sleep. The body calls for clarity, movement, and flow in every way. I’m careful with over the counter meds, since some have side effects. It’s a balancing act of listening to what my body needs, and making good choices that hopefully will improve my situation.

I stay hydrated with plenty of water. It’s the cleansing inside and out that I believe makes a difference. Plus it’s an understanding that my body holds a memory of its own good health, and is constantly working to come into balance. Allowing this innate wisdom to work, getting out of its way, and patiently giving it room to return to ‘normal’, is major.

Secondly is Spirit, Soul, the opening of the top of the Head as the Hopi would say, to connect to my Higher Self. The great oversoul of my personal experience, has led me on the right path all my life. The huge Golden One has opened doors, given big dreams, and made incredible, magical connections all my life. I just have to tune in and listen.

Spirit and I have co-created my life in every way. It’s my energy and focus on heart’s desire that begins the journey. Then I let go and allow the Universe to take over and create Magic.

The Third great attribute needed is Love. Connections to others, as well as Self Love, are an alchemy of the Mystery. Each of these qualities is born in the invisible realms, and stays there until we manifest it in life. But here is where the laughter, joy, and surprises live.

I’ve read that we each are part of a Supercluster, like stars that gather, swirl, and interact with each other in the Cosmos. Some magnetism brings us together, light touching light, at a particular moment in time, that changes everything. These then become the stories of our vulnerable selves as we learn, grow, and evolve into More.

Quiet Light expands with each conscious day that we live in the Present.

With body, soul, and love working for us, we are able to experience all the wonders of life in Play. Humans learn best through play, with the freedom to be curious, and discover new ways of living.

Also, Adventure lives here, bringing surprises at every turn. So, we make a choice and trust the path that opens for us. New people, experiences, and feelings come our way. Play is freedom to explore.

Finally, Be the Artist in all you do. Art is the Fifth Element. Creativity and beauty are the foundations of a beautiful life. Here you make visible all your dreams, desires, and wishes from the invisible realms. This becomes the life you see all around you. Art is the center of everything. It’s the measurement of your growth.

So today, think about the 5 Elements and how they work for you. How can you be the artistic creator of all parts of life?

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