Dragon Moon

Dragon Moon

Dragon Moon, all our inner power to know, love, balance, understand

Dragon Moon ushers in a time of magic and mysticism in time and space. Now is the moment to shift our perspectives, open doors of opportunity, and flow in the Light of New Beginnings.

Dragon has always mesmerized me. She was the power of old battles that created Camelot. She appeared in the Stars as an omen of change and vision. Dragon harnessed the potential to transform the world in every way. She was the Light of Change.

I first really paid attention and officially started working with Her while in a Shaman workshop years ago. The Guide led us down a winding stone staircase within the earth to a secret door. On the other side stood our deepest fear.

Mine was a huge Oriental Dragon of light, color, and power so bright, that I could hardly look at her. While others saw cloudy gray shapes, ex-husbands, or angry things, the Shaman said it was my Power. I was afraid of my Power. So I made a huge Chinese Dragon Head, painted in vibrant colors and attached a lock of my hair to make it personal.

Over the years, Green Eyed Dragon has taught me to set boundaries, not lose myself in another over some wrong idea of love, and to seek my answers within my own wisdom. She’s given me energy and vitality when I needed it most.

I’ve also learned how strong I can really be in caring for myself and my daughter. So standing on my own two feet, being independent and powerful, are Dragon gifts, without a doubt.

I created my own world in dragon. She taught me how to fly, turn fear into adventure, and make or change choices along the way. She guides my way and opens surprising connections to people, jobs, and life. I trust Her to create my highest destiny.

But I had to embrace her in all her wild power and know her as a part of myself. Then I could consciously bring balance into my life.

All of our energies, everything we communicate to the world, is our own personal signature. No one does anything to us. We create it all. Society has taught us to label good in us and bad outside of us, but that’s not true. Everything is an aspect of ourselves. Accept it all. Then we become whole, beautiful, and light.

Dragon Moon is accepting everything in life as your creation.

So Dragon is in you too. I love how the Year of the Dragon follows the Natural Cycle of the Universe. This Chinese New Year begins on the Second New Moon of the year after Winter Solstice. Also a time of Imbolc, Goddess Brigit, Fire, Creativity, New birth, and transformation, it is considered to be the beginning of Spring in Old Europe. A Magic moment in time and space.

So play with Dragon. Let her teach you to love and accept all parts of your inner being, find balance in learning everything is your creation, and help you evolve to Becoming more each day. Throw out judgement and feel your connection to all that is.

We are the Light bringers as we create the best of all worlds. Live in your senses. Do what feels right. Blame no one. Accept all on their path. Change only your own perceptions to create Magic today. Be the Wizard co-creator with your Dragon power to explore, expand, and evolve. Magic is everywhere.

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