Half Moon Magic

Half Moon Magic

half moon magic
Half Moon Magic, discover magic Now, moment of power, no control, surrender

Half Moon Magic is knowing the magic is all around you, waiting to be perceived. Don’t think it’s coming to you in some future time. Now is the moment of power, as the Shamans say.

Magic is merely that which hasn’t been explained yet. It is the powerful force of Nature that creates the Universe we see. Our little ego self could never comprehend how to create such magnificent perfection, to deal with change, and to evolve in all the Earth. It’s a matter of letting go, surrendering to some greater forces, and trusting in the Universe.

First, this painting was going to be all flying turtle clouds (which i thought I saw in the sky), and palm trees, pools, and magical colors of turquoise, gold, and lavender. My mind must have been on fairytales, theme parks, and Mardi Gras.

Also, I even sketched some of that in. But then, true Magic took over. I had the brushes and found myself blending buff into deep cerulean blue, and making a color I had never seen before! I loved it. Then a new brush with pale white created the bank of clouds flowing across the sky. It turned into some of those magic colors from my deep memory, but they appeared here and there like shimmering tones of a crystal sky.

Therefore, letting go of control, created a truly original work of art that I couldn’t have imagined. Some distant land and sea merged and flowed together, with reflections and highlights. It became a wandering path of light leading our eye to the sky. Then seven white seabirds flew in, bringing it all together into a true fantasy of color and light.

Control only makes problems. As Henry Miller the writer said, what you truly desire comes without struggle. Struggles are the phantom play, us fighting with our shadow seIf, to make life what we ‘think’ it should be. ‘Thinking’ and ‘should’ are ego words. Along with ‘worry’ and ‘hurry’. It tries to validate itself with every competitive thought.

The truth is that the magical forces of creation can only be surrendered to, within our own little world. We are all connected in heart, love, and feelings. The invisible realms are full of energy and just need our focus for direction.

Spirit guides whatever is easy, just flows, and puts us in Awe. Here lives the true mystery of life. Our Eternal self lives there, in No Time. Plus, it is our home, our Source, and where we return when our earthly journey is done. Finding our true Self is the Great Work of our earthly exploration. Know Thyself.

Half Moon Magic is consciously letting go and feeling Magic now.

Surrender control and become the artist, Being, you were meant to Be! Magic and Love go together. Therefore, involve all the senses, consciously, to find your State of Being. Your essence.

Music can carry you there, especially instrumental. Plus, Dance & movement are also great ways to get into your body and out of your head. Colors shift your perception, as well as immersing in Nature with all its sounds, feelings, and scents.

Finally, Step away from whatever the world is doing ‘out there’, and create your Magic ‘in here’. This is a timeless reality full of imagination, levels of energy, and insights with visions, symbols, and tones. So, create beauty today in you, around you, and with all you do: a true Heaven on Earth.

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