Eclipse Bear

Eclipse Bear

Eclipse: Bear, Guide to other realms, Spirit, Power

Eclipse Bear reminds us that we live in 2 Worlds. First, the Outer World is limited, controlling, inflexible, and black & white. In comparison, the Inner World is full of Heart, Spirit, Healing, resonance, harmony and love. Many potentials are possible on the Inner Journey. But, this calls for awareness, and consciously choosing an Alternative Reality. Plus, where the outer world wants to ‘fight’, the Inner World surrenders to More, going Beyond what the Eye can see.

Additionally, our visible reality is so small compared to the many dimensions of Light in our True, vast, multi-dimensional, existence that lives in the invisible realms. Here is Source, the land of inspiration, illumination, and greatest imagination. Our thoughts have power here, to create, experience, and open dimensionally to new possible futures.

I’ve been thinking about Bear for awhile now. I knew She had to be the next powerful Spirit Animal to appear in the Liminal Space of the golden turquoise background. To me, this is the color of the Heart Chakra, the energy center of love. I’ve seen this color in my meditations since the beginning, many decades ago.

Bear has been my Guide to Other Realms. She is strong, powerful, and avoids confrontation, yet fierce in defending Her cubs. Therefore, She is the Great Mother of the caves and forest, Guide in the Heavens, and Messenger between the Worlds.

Also, Her protection and power have been honored since Ancient Times. There was a Clan of the Cave Bear, and She is the Guardian to many tribes. Totem Poles, rattles, drums, clothing, and shields show Her image, as She brings blessing and wisdom throughout the world.

Plus, She is Ursa Major of the night sky, traveling with Her cub. The brilliant star Arcturus, named by the ancient Greeks, illuminates Her Path across the Heavens. Therefore, this Bright Red Giant Star’s name translates to ‘guardian of the bear’, ‘bear follower’, and ‘keeper of the bear’.

In particular, it’s very interesting to me that She appears with the Power of the Solar Eclipse! The Magical 3 of the eclipse phases, communicates with her in mystery and flow. Life is evolving, shifting, and changing again and again.

Imagine, so many thousands gathered on beaches, mountains, and forests to experience the power of the Eclipse. It feels like a New Light, insight, and connection is flowing in along with all the earth changes. We continue to evolve as a species and Planet.

Eclipse Bear brings insights to our lives.

For me, Bear is a reminder that the only limits I have are the ones I place on myself. It’s time to be open, share my art on a grander scale, and keep exploring from my heart.

Plus, whatever I judge, I become. And often I’m the hardest judge of myself. Forgiving and loving myself, and accepting my path as well as everyone elses, brings flow and new energy forward. Artists, past & present, inspire me. Together we create a new world.

Lastly, always remember that inspiration comes in the doing. You can’t think your way to creativity. Therefore, listen for the Voice of Bear. Allow spontaneous acts of art to surprise you, and lead you in new directions. Trust your inner voice to open you to New Worlds of amazing art.

Magic for this Day: Mama & 2 Cubs just came through.

Mama Bear & 2 Cubs

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