A Pause in Time

A Pause in Time

Wabi Sabi II: My Hydrangeas + Art Apps = Cool Painting
Wabi Sabi II: My Hydrangeas + Art Apps = Cool Painting, and the App created a little face or two…I love when that happens.

Memories & Time are Entangled

Ravens watch for me. One sits silently in the closest tree, as I lay out dog biscuits, leftover bones, bread or grapes. A summer ritual feast. The air is thick with pungent wild white roses and purple wild flowers. Hawks circle overhead, calling, close enough to see the markings under their wings. Dragonflies dance across the lawn by the hundreds. This time, these longest days of the year leading up to Summer Solstice, hold a magic all their own. It’s like a pause in time.

New research says our memory registers new experiences differently than repetitious ones. New experiences, especially those involving all the senses, push memory to remember all the unique details. It makes time seem longer and slower. Summers have always moved at a different pace for me, filled with amazing skies, scents, creatures, colors, and life.

Memory knows what we’ve done in the past. It’s nothing new, so it skips over a lot of the small stuff. Life moves faster with this remembering. Repetition make every day zoom by right before our eyes.

So slow Time down to a caterpillar’s crawl. Create new stories for your life this day, make time irrelevant, and savor the immersion of all your senses. Get out in Nature and it will be Memorable for sure.HawkSkBkPtgBESTWabiSabiLIGHTERSqSp

Path of Three Ravens
Path of Three Ravens

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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

In Memory of Pat Gullett, April 29, 2024

It is with great sorrow and difficulty that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Pat on Monday, April 29, 2024. She was at home and passed peacefully while asleep. Words cannot describe how much we will miss her love of life, love of her family, creativity, kindness and the spiritual impact she made…

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