Create Your Prequel

Create Your Prequel

The Art

                     Prequels Link All You Have Been, To All You Are Becoming

Prequels are everywhere. Look at the excellent ‘Rogue One’ prequel to the entire Star Wars Saga, with its amazing representation of Grand Moff Tarkin and cruisers, pilots, and robots we have all learned to love with each movie. It beautifully shows us all that came before, and ties the beginning of the rebellion with the whole story. No one really dies when prequels can recreate the ‘before’ time.

Then there’s ‘Virgins’, a literary prequel to the famous ‘Outlander’ books. It craftily lays the groundwork of Jamie and Ian’s journey before commitments and responsibilities draw them home. We see young, fresh minds and bodies handle unique situations that mold them into the men they will become.

Then there’s a FB friend of mine who writes a stream of consciousness rundown of his deepest feelings in life so far, coming to the conclusion that in this New Year, he will gift himself with therapy sessions to talk it out and get back on track. The Story of Your Life, your prequel that has led you to this moment in time, can be about your creative journey, your personal experiences, or your business approach so far. It can be pictures that are worth a thousand words, or your own song, video, or literary style, summing up all that has led you to this place. It offers a great jumping off point for the new year, your new style, your personal story. Where do you want to be a year from now? How can you grow and expand in adventurous exciting ways? What is the best way for you to spend your precious time in the upcoming fresh slate of the new year ahead?

Prequels give insights, balance, and direction. So I’m re-visiting my past work, re-calling various techniques, and re-evaluating how I’ve spent my time each day. I’m also re-flecting on ‘what happens next’. I look at how ‘all that I’ve been up until now’, ties in with new work and presentations. I strive to be more mindful in an innovative way. And I hopefully stay open to all assistance, collaborations, and new approaches to broaden my horizons. What does your Prequel say about you?

Trinity necklace, etched sterling.

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