Creativity and Spirituality

Creativity and Spirituality

SmBuddhaHeadTextArt is the Journey Within

“Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again.” Joseph Campbell

Creating Art is the Journey Within, diving deep into the blue lagoon of imagination, and basking in the glow of inspiration. Art is the key to unlock the hidden dimensions of our Lives. It’s a timeless place of images, dreams, and connections. We become co-creators with the Unknown, the Universe, the Source, and the Mystery of Life. We bring the Other Reality to the surface through art, thus allowing amazing potentials to reveal themselves. A shift occurs on many levels. Our inner and outer lives merge to become One. Art helps us move forward in Consciousness, guided by our inner spirit as we experience the fullness of a life well lived.

“we are spiritual beings having a human experience”    Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

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