Empower Yourself and Make it Personal

Empower Yourself and Make it Personal

Raven Speak, when your Soul speaks to you. Prints at https://tinyurl.com/y9xu4nyk

What Empowers me Today? All Choices either Energize, or Detract from my Essence

Will this thing I choose to do right now Empower the Real Me? Will it make me Proud? Will it feed my Soul? When I look at emails in this way, I can easily delete the distractions that hold me back from Flow. The World is full of illusions that aren’t about the Real Me. The Limits of Life are only the ones I allow to affect me. Break away from it all. Look for what feels good. As a true Creator of Life, all answers are within. I take the time to find my Space, breathe deeply touching my heart, and learn to trust myself again. The Path to the Inner Journey connects with Nature, interacts with animals, touches the heart and the inner child. The more I turn inward, the more I learn to respect and honor my soul’s Voice. That’s where I’ll find what really Empowers me.

Let’s begin a new World here today. There’s so much more to gain and give in a World of Love, kindness, and peace. It’s really true that the happiness you give, comes right back at you. But it all begins at the Source, our deepest heartfelt desires, releasing all fear of boundaries, differences, and limits, and accepting love and beauty in all its colors, shapes, and forms. Making Art is my vehicle of choice for the Inner Journey where I can find Truth and an authentic Voice.

This Raven Speaks to me. I want to be in the spreading of Happiness business. I live in the belief there is plenty for everyone and abundance is our birthright. I also believe everyone is an artist and each piece of Art we do is a small ecstasy leading to the grand Creation of a Beautiful Life for everyone. It all starts with us, here where we live, now in this moment of time. How can I make this day better than yesterday? How can I bring more joy, happiness, and peace flowing into my life and every life I touch? Every kindness overflows with energy spreading to hearts, spirits, and lives far beyond our local space.

So ask the deeper question: What Empowers the Real Me? Go into this New Moon vibration, this Valentine of Love to the world, and ask what does it Really mean to ‘Follow Your Heart’? And let’s be aware of new inspiring movements in the world, like young Jerome Jarre who has created the LOVE ARMY.

‘the most POWERFUL KIND OF LOVE. Love is ACTION. In fact WE ARE LOVE so much that we are not going to fight with the people keeping the old system in place, instead we are going to invite them to our new world, if they are willing to SIT DOWN AND BE HUMBLE. There is no time to be hateful and divisive. Division is the old world. UNITY WILL BE OUR NEW WORLD.’ Jerome Jarre.

Our yard in the Dreamtime seen with New Eyes
Turkeys at the front door. The Boys are back….

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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

In Memory of Pat Gullett, April 29, 2024

It is with great sorrow and difficulty that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Pat on Monday, April 29, 2024. She was at home and passed peacefully while asleep. Words cannot describe how much we will miss her love of life, love of her family, creativity, kindness and the spiritual impact she made…

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