Power Animal Inspiration

Power Animal Inspiration

Deer Woman, the changling, power animal medicine

Journey to the Dreamtime Covers Nearly Everything. Become Your Own Visionary.

Over the years, when I’d ask my students what they wanted to learn, many would say, ‘Everything’. We’d cover techniques, risk taking, finishing, and how to make every piece a success. Yet, I had the feeling we were still not covering ‘Everything’. It all wasn’t tied together in a grand whole. Now, with Journey to the Dreamtime, I feel I’m finally coming closer to presenting ‘Everything’. Each gathering builds upon the one before.

For example, our 3rd New Moon introduces us to our Power Animals, Medicine Guides, and Archetypes, who are there to empower, heal, and enlighten us. Animals have been with men since the beginning. We learn, co-habitate, and rely on them to broaden and enrich our lives. Clans take on the power of the animal as their own: the invisibility of fox, the wisdom of wolf, the guardian of raven. Their strengths are woven into the personal story of each person.

As the Artist Creators of our Lives, we then note these powers and discover new ones with the inner journey. The Animals choose us at this moment in time. When we create art about them, we imbue our work with our thoughts, feelings, and focus, manifesting a real life image to remind us of where we are Now. This gives us confidence as we find direction and expand into new territory, new goals.

Next comes a Clearing of home, things, and thoughts. It’s like pruning the garden. Cut away the old lavender so the new growth can take hold. Clear away the old, since that isn’t who you are anymore, and leave room for the unknown New to flow into your life. This is Big Medicine. The animals start fresh each spring with a new nest, fresh sprigs, clean space, and so must we. The Universe can’t stand a vacuum, as they say. Donate, give away, Clear Out whatever no longer serves you.

We have a rabbit who made an appearance a few weeks ago. This last week she returned, cleared a space about 20 feet from our deck, and as we talked to her, she built a nest right before our eyes. Two days ago, she and her mate appeared under our wrought iron moon sculpture in the yard, leaping and dancing together. This morning I had another sighting, this time in front of the house. She ran out, then back under the huge boughs of a row of tall evergreen trees. I could see her form running and leaping as fast as she could back and forth, like a flash between the branches. I love her!

Doing these actions moves us forward into living a Life of our True Potential. This is Everything.

1st New Moon: Making our Mark.

2nd New Moon: Drawing Down the Light.

3rd New Moon: Igniting our Power Animals.

The Return of our wonderful Buns….
Hawk Medicine

3 Responses to Power Animal Inspiration

  1. I love your manifesting post! It’s just at what I needed today.


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