Many Worlds

Many Worlds

many worlds
Many Worlds, many ways to explore, learn, grow

Many Worlds trigger our imagination. We enter and become a part of these places as all our senses are ignited by the sounds, scents, feel, taste, and sights before our eyes. Science has found that the same areas of the brain light up whether we read about it, see a movie of it, or actually are there in the flesh experiencing it. Watching a movie about being on a roller coaster fires the same body sensations as actually riding one. But, it can also bring inner peace and be a great form of self care.

First of all, the music of a place, characters, and even colors all work together to enlist memories of our own story. We find empathy there and connect in a healthy way. The characters become companions on a new journey, expanding our inner wisdom and knowing about ourselves. Also, it’s the immersion in the senses that creates our reality, and thus shifts our future self. Our story evolves and we can return again and again.

Secondly, the more focus you place on a place, the deeper your experience. As you walk the streets, eat the food of the place, and dress the part, the more you feel the essence of being there. You’re not just watching a movie, you’re creating Magic and a 5 Star Experience. This enters your memory bank and becomes a part of who you are, and who you are Becoming.

I remember my cousin, the teacher/travel agent, formed a group about life in Spain. The Bullfighters Club would gather regularly to practice conversational Spanish, dress in costume, and enjoy traditional Spanish food.

I attended one of their gatherings at a Spanish restaurant, complete with a Flamenco Guitarist and dancer. El Greco immediately immersed me into a different world. The decor was beautiful, the conversation enlightening, and our dress very creative. I was inspired to buy a paella pan and duplicate the meal at home! Delicious, mind expanding, and creative in every way.

Many Worlds can be found Now in many places.

Therefore, Many Worlds can be a Virtual Reality experience. Online Great Courses carry you away to National Parks, Ancient Worlds, and learning everything from cooking to playing instruments. Movies set in distant lands, foreign language blogs, and even Museums in countries you love, offer many great opportunities to read/hear/and learn about another world.

Plus, each is so different than your own reality, that they open your imagination to explore and discover exciting places right in the moment. In addition, local Universities, as well as the Smithsonian , offer a World of Knowledge. From live programs led by specialists in archaeology and art, to classes taught by Professional Artists, beautiful, artistic information is available.

Also, consider physical local community centers, fitness clubs, art, dance and movement classes, yoga, and zumba as ways to broaden your horizons in a whole body experience. Each event opens you to new worlds of communication, connection, and experiences. Discovering many worlds shifts your compass, offers new wisdom, and brings in new body memories.

Finally, just imagine actually traveling to the beautiful Sun of your Dreams. You will have assimilated so much it will be like Coming Home.

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