Opening Heart

Opening Heart

Opening Heart Sacred Lotus
Opening Heart, The Sacred Lotus of Light & Love

Opening Heart is about connection, memories, and love for self and every thing. We can empathize when we know we are not separate, and every living thing is part of the One Whole that is us.

For me, this began with a Big Dream. You know the kind. It’s so clear and full of detail, that it can’t be ignored. Plus, it moves you deeply.

First, I was at a huge party, held in my honor, arranged by my best friend back in Chicago. We were in a loft, with a grand freight elevator. Whenever the doors opened, more people from my past piled out.

We were ships in the night. Together for awhile, then we took different paths. I never saw them again, and couldn’t find ways in real life to reconnect. But, they were all there, happy, celebrating me, and always, all my ‘friends’. We created events so both of us could grow, learn, and then move on. That’s the way of life, they said.

Every person in our lives serves a purpose!

My heart began to open with this knowing. No longer wondering if I could ‘make it right’, since on our soul level, we are always friends. The connections endured.

I started this painting with warm golden tones and the reds of love, but quickly realized I needed to use colors I Love. So turquoise appeared. The Moon is our real image last night. The Circle is Spirit. But the true gift came from my next Dream. The opening flower had to be the Sacred Lotus. Ancient and Holy to all civilizations, She symbolizes rebirth as she rises with the Sun, from the muddy rivers, all clean and pristine. Also, Her petals number anywhere from 8 to 5000. She regulates her flower temperature like we do, keeping at a healthy 85-95 degrees. White is enlightenment, and red is for love and compassion. Therefore, She is our symbol for Awakening.

Secondly, the morning after the Dream, I was reading about an ‘opening the heart’ ritual. Suddenly, the Spa Instrumental music that plays throughout the day, just stopped. I asked ‘AI’ to play the next song. She switched, ‘on her own’, to our favorites list, and began to play the Moody Blues, ‘On the Threshold of a Dream’! Usually that shift has to be programed from an ipad. Magic was working this day.

As one oldie after another played, memories pored in of wonderful times. They brought tears to my eyes, and dancing to my body. Triggering the Senses, allows us to relive events. Discovering my wedding dress, smelling motor boat gasoline, fresh baked cookies, and eating raspberries. My heart kept opening with each memory.

Opening Heart is about the Universal Force of Love.

Love is the most powerful Force in the Universe” Albert Einstein

Listening with your opening heart, opens you to Universal Love and compassion. Everything you do in life is part of your Spiritual Journey. Experiencing all with Love, changes your life. Every person serves a purpose for YOUR spiritual awakening. You create your own personal reality with every choice.

Love exists for every living thing, solves all problems, and judges nothing. It Knows what is best for us at all times, is tolerant and understanding. The Power of this Love evolves as we do, and expands to ourselves, our earth, our Universe, and beyond. Love is our Light, Power, Purpose, and Energy that will save us. Our ‘job’ is to give and receive it, since it transcends all.

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