Living In The Light

Living In The Light

Winter Light, ocean, hazy sky, waves of change, movement
Winter Light, Living in the Light, Steps for Lightening Up

Living in the Light is a change of attitude. Here’s where we do things differently, think differently, and create a new life for ourselves and the world.

First of all, Be Organic. From food you eat to clothes you wear, and choices along the way, there are so many alternatives today.

For me, it’s really being mindful of all I do. I avoid plastic or anything that isn’t recyclable. Luckily, I have a forest as my back yard. This composts all organic left overs. Plus, it’s great entertainment as the ravens and our one big racoon discover the feast on the Offering Stone. All the birds come out, actually.

Secondly, release all that isn’t in sync with your energy. Anything that triggers an agitated feeling falls into this category. People, places, music, news, can be a distraction that gets you stuck. Above all, be loyal to your path of Flow. Feel when you are in Harmony, and step away until you find your Balance again. This is being Loyal to YOU, to your choices, direction, and flow. Only You Know what makes you Happy!

Thirdly, really work at trusting your inner wisdom, your heart’s desire, in all things. Don’t look for answers outside yourself. Remember, others don’t have a clue where you’re coming from emotionally, or physically. Let them go on their own path of revelation. You keep to yours.

For instance, I know what makes me feel safe. As a result, I mask up whenever I’m in a ‘mob’. Nothing, no experience, dining out, going to a show, is worth my getting sick and missing entire weeks out of my life.

Fourth, accept that everyone is doing their best. Whatever that may be, they are coming from another Angel family different from yours. In addition, allow them to follow their own learning path. You don’t have to know where another is coming from. Even if they project their ‘stuff’ on you. Bring your focus back to You.

Living in the Light is lightening your load.

Fifth, take nothing personally. Therefore, Give the GIFT of listening with understanding. Don’t judge or add to the emotions they are in. It’s not about you.

We are each like a unique drop of water, ultimately gathering with others to create the Ocean of our lives. Winter Light shows the vast Ocean, Air, tides, land, and wind that gather all their energies from the great Sun. Also, each life, above and below, comes from the radiating light and heat, solar energy, that makes it possible for us to exist on Earth. Working together, plants assimilate sunlight to grow, animals and humans use plants for food and oxygen, and we all need the Sun’s warmth to thrive.

Each of us is special and necessary. So let’s look at our lives in a new way. Know that we need to flow, evolve, and change for life to move forward. Consciously living in the light opens us to harmony, balance, and flow. It’s a Fresh Start.

Therefore, create the kind of world where you would like to live. Starting today, know what matters to your happiness and pursue those things. Plus, live in love, kindness, and gratitude for all you have. Be a harmonious ripple in the waves of energy, flowing in the grand ocean of life. And lighten up. You’re here for the beauty, magic, and the fun of experiences in this vast beach of life.

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