Mountains of Dreams

Mountains of Dreams

Mountains of Dreams moon stars southwest river lake clouds night sky
Mountains of Dreams, memories, rituals, ravens, traditions, Southwest, magic

Mountains of Dreams brings back all the wonderful memories of exploring the Southwest for the first time. This is home to ancient traditions, rituals, tribal dances, and magic. One breathes deeper here as they travel the road North from desert to vast mountain ranges.

Back then, having lived in Chicago all my life, my art came from my inner journeys, readings, and dreams. At Art Fairs, people would say, ‘Of course you’ve been to….Phoenix, Sedona, or Santa Fe’. But I hadn’t up to that point.

First of all, this ancient land calls an explorer to slow way down. Everything seems timeless, and the pace is super relaxed. The colors are more pastel, with big skies offering far off showers, pink clouds, and sunny vistas all at the same time.

So ‘Mountains of Dreams’ takes me back to the Mystery. These landscapes are full of possibilities of the Unknown. Painting this recalls the feelings of being there. A magic land, it connects me to Source, passion, and adventure.

I started with a warm underpainting, a first for me, that just made the top colors richer. The vast sky and mountains hold their deep fire, as well as ancient secrets of hidden caves and healing pools. Just like my adventure of exploring there, I had no expectations other than to see what happens next.

A Time of Dreaming, I was excited and full of possibilities of the Unknown. I try to recall this feeling often and recreate it as much as possible.

As an artist, I was amazed by the shifting colors of the land. The Sun created pinks, lavenders, turquoise, and gold unlike any city. Life seems brighter and lighter, as though you could fly. Anything is possible there.

Mountains of Dreams is remembering Spirit and Source.

‘Recalling treasured spiritual experiences connect our souls to the eternal Source of Being…and lays the foundation for a healthy Present.‘ Joan Borysenko

So today, I cherish the traditions and rituals that, like my painting, connect me to Source. I slow down and immerse deeply in creating the Christmas tree, remembering stories of each decoration, and the people I have loved. We bake cookies, open champagne, and exchange gifts as our rituals of the moment. These memories gathered from cherished moments, remind me of all the beauty of life. I bring in the colors, images, gatherings, and feelings that bring me home.

Wisdom and inspiration flow, igniting the imagination and dreams. Open to this quiet time and explore the memories that uplifted your spirit, opened to endless possibilities, and entered the exciting future of the Unknown with passion and excitement in your heart. Today’s events are the memories of tomorrow. They touch spirit and nourish your soul. Live this day in a place of magic and alchemy!

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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

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