Learning Resilience Changes your Brain

Learning Resilience Changes your Brain

J.M.W.Turner, “Off the Nore: Wind and Water” c1840-45, Yale University Art Gallery

Learning to Cope with Stress Changes your Baseline brain imagery.

Resilience, learning to deal with traumatic, stressful conditions, big and small, is a true life-saver. A fascinating article in the May 16, issue of Time magazine, tells of 20 yr research by two psychiatrists who have found a way to image the brain before resilient training, and then after. Marines, Olympic athletes, and POWs all show a change in the structure and function of the brain with training. MRI’s show the baseline of the brain returns to normal faster, deals with stress easier, and becomes tougher in all life dealings. Whether we’re dealing with paying the bills, or healing our body, reducing stress can only improve the quality of life.

Mindfulness, being in the moment, is a major part of this, but just as important is daily exercise to rebuilt new neurons damaged by stress, as well as a social network of supportive people. Nothing is quite as scary when you do it with a friend. University of Wisconsin researchers have found meditation plays a big role in staying in the moment. All agree that it is up to each of us to find our path to resilience.

Mine is tuning in to my Creator Self, to acknowledge it, honor it, connect with it, and manifest Art about it. These Wabi Sabi classes I’m creating combine art with an approach to life that promote the same goals as resilience training. The core beliefs of both have us live in the Now, embracing all life and each other as imperfect and incomplete but all on the path of beauty. Another is that we are essence living a human life, here to experience all the senses, all sensual feelings deeply. Nothing is judged as good or bad, just an experience on the path of life. Embracing everything that comes our way gives us a positive outlook, away from the emotional drama. We learn from each other how to be resilient, and find others like ourselves to receive and give support. Face your fears as a part of your life, knowing your inner strength has always moved you forward. Keep learning and trying new things to expand the mind and broaden your horizons. Move the body daily, immersing it in your sensual experiences in mindfulness, as much as possible. Live in the moment since the memories of the past are distortions at best, and the future is what we make it. Finally, find your strength, your passion, and pursue it daily. That is your power. That is the Dance of life.

Check out the latest information in the enlightening book about this research, “Resilience: The Science of Mastering Life’s Greatest Challenges”, by Drs. Southwick and Charney,  that will be updated and available later this year.


2 Responses to Learning Resilience Changes your Brain

  1. Your words arrive right on time. Always filled with your SOUL! Allows me to fill self with my Creative Spirit! Often I hear you say (underneath the written words) to be at peace where you are and let go then the juices flow. Wise Raven Woman thank you from you Crow Crone friend!

  2. Oh My Dear Barbara! Sometimes I don’t know where these thoughts come from but they write themselves! So glad you connect to them.

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