Ancient Memory

Ancient Memory

ancient memory, crescent moon, island, flow, water, night sky, stars
Ancient Memory, an Intuitive painting, Prints Available

Ancient Memory reminded me of 3 Basic Truths. Everything we do comes from what we believe, where we place our attention, and ultimately, what we do.

First of all, it’s an intuitive painting. No sketch, not working from an image, and using two brushes simultaneously, one in each hand, I just painted. Doing without thinking freed up my mind so other inspiration flowed in.

To begin with, our lives are based on our Belief system. This becomes our foundation, put in place in the beginning, by family, schools, and society. Shifting and changing with each generation, many of our beliefs are old and based on fitting into a constantly changing world. In addition, this becomes the survival mode of society, which makes it so unsteady these days in so many ways.

So, I’ve walked away from so many careers and experiences that worked once, but no more. What were my truths? My experiences have opened doors to another world that is full, rich, and nurtures my soul. I’ve been able to connect with some crossing over, in transition, from this life to another reality. Plus, I know consciousness is an ongoing energy that never dies. It keeps growing, learning, and gaining wisdom along the way. This Other World influences my art, my attitudes, and my life every day.

Secondly, energy goes where our attention flows. All the internet distractions are draining since they aren’t in ‘our’ lives, right here, right now. They are old news by the time we see them. This is wading through a clogged stream of floating debris in the sea of life. Now is the moment of power, the shamans say, but we must Be Present to see it. In addition, living in mindfulness gives us choice to shift to things we love.

I’ve found activating all my sense is the best way to be Here. Return to the Present. Eat a cookie, brew a cup of coffee or tea, take a walk, birdwatch, even if it’s just out the window, or gaze at the sky and daydream. I love to light a candle, burn some pinon incense, explore my books, or go put on my favorite instrumental music. Words in songs take you back to the past, a thinking place. Stay away from that. Dance, exercise or take a shower to shift the energy to now.

The Third truth is to create something. Pour your energy into art, making music, singing, cooking from scratch, just to make something that didn’t exist before. Make the invisible, your feelings and thoughts, visible in some symbol you can hold, see, and remember.

Ancient Memory also triggers Purpose and Intention.

Purpose is all about improving your life today. What can you do to raise your vibration to lightness, happiness, and freedom? Also, Being in fun and play is good for your body, heart, and soul. Nourish you inner self as you move forward in life. Allow feelings to guide your choices. Seek the beauty, the flow, and the joy in doing things you love. The Law of Attraction says that if you send out the good, more of the same comes back to you.

One final thought is to set an intention to find the Magic today. Beginning with intention would set the tone to live in ‘on the beach’ mode, the vacation of my lifetime experiences, and the excitement of a new day, unlike any I’ve seen before.

Be the Alchemist of your life and enter the mystery! You may discover you own 3 Basic Truths of life.

Here’s a painting ‘how to’ demo inspired by the Solstice.

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