The Body Knows Deeper Mysteries

The Body Knows Deeper Mysteries

body knows deeper mysteries
Half Moon Sunset

The Body Knows Deeper Mysteries

The Body knows deeper mysteries. Love, Intuition, instinct, curiosity, awe, inspiration are all felt deeply within our consciousness. Words fall short to explain them. Just as healing is a full body experience taking in all the senses, so too is making art a gateway to another reality. Here’s where we live full, rich, magical lives.

Art takes you away from just thinking. The intellect, the easiest to test in schools, creates doubts, and struggles when it comes to visual decisions. We really have to deliberately integrate the visual with the logical to touch the inner knowledge. That’s what we practice in the Foundation of Art class. It’s like riding a bicycle. The Body Knows.

For example, the above painting kept calling me back. It needed something more. Even when I was dressed to go out to dinner, I was still shifting, blending, and adding to the composition. Colors were too harsh, it needed a moon, the lavender asked for more. I mindfully tuned into my intuition and it had plenty to say.

The body knows deeper mysteries as the hand moves, remembering feelings of dreams, colors, and images. Art ignites the imagination. You can’t think your way there. The more we practice experiencing the feeling of doing art, the easier it gets to drop into that place. Where do you feel that in your body?

Therefore, the best gift you can give yourself is space and time to explore creative exploration and fun. The other reality of art is a healthy balance to the thinking, verbal world. Choose to bring your art into your life. Set up the art space to touch the magic of your whispering intuitive self. Honor it and your art as a step to becoming your Truest Self.

Join the Foundation of Art Class starting Jan. 1st. Create, explore, discover art all of January. Early Bird pricing of $147 runs just for 3 days, Dec. 26-28. Above all, winter is for making art. Art marks your moment in time in this one precious life. Find greater self-knowledge as you create beautiful works of art. Experience our 30 day program to enrich your life and come back to fun again.

body knows deeper mysteries
inspiration for Half Moon Sunset painting

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