Category Archives: Travel

Ancient Sacred Paris

Ancient Sacred Paris

Paris feels so mystical, magical, and sacred. I experienced something deep, moving, and profound, drawing me into the Paris landscape. It’s ancient, built on many other cities & civilizations over thousands of years. Remnants of ancient powers abound. For example, St Sulpice, standing on the site of a 13th Century church and located in the…Continue Reading

Being Parisian

Being Parisian

I wanted to experience living like a Local Besides being an American tourist in a European city, I wanted to belong. I practiced my French, studied Metro maps, and googled favorite stores, restaurants, and parks. I envisioned walking their ancient paths, shopping in their local favorite stores, and relaxing in their most beautiful gathering places.…Continue Reading

Santa Fe Zen

Santa Fe Zen

The Allure of Santa Fe with an ever changing landscape. The Land makes you breathe deeper, pause longer, and feel intensely. It’s all Wabi Sabi and Zen as the mountains, clouds, sky, and sun shift and dance across the landscape in impermanent waves of beauty. It’s as if this moment of time will never be…Continue Reading

I so love Greece

I so love Greece

I’m so grateful we experienced this Ancient Beauty! I can’t even begin to understand all that’s happening in this fabled land these days. My friend, originally from Athens, just posted that the ancient ruins of Palmyra are now laced with mines by terrorist fanatics. They seek to control the area. Inconceivable! When we self toured…Continue Reading

Living with Vintage Art

Living with Vintage Art

Elephant Trunk, Kane Co., Brimfield, all provide gold to the discerning eye. We have discovered boxes of little metal rocket ship ornaments, clock gears, Whole carousel horses, and model airplanes on our explorations combing through tents, crates, and boxes. There were the two bronze mold templates for gold castings from jewelers in India, wonderful sets…Continue Reading