Finding Your Own Artistic Path

Finding Your Own Artistic Path

finding your own artistic path
Secret Lake, freer, looser, discovering myself art

Finding Your Own Artistic Path

Finding your own artistic path is a lifelong journey. If you keep evolving in your life and art, which is the happiest way to live, then your art takes on a life of its own. This approach to life is never boring or doubtful. You are filled with curiosity, ideas, and passion. The key is to never give up.

Your True Art is fun, original, and authentic. I know it’s there within you, the art only you can make. Not copied or borrowed, or just like someone else, your unique art is your special voice. To reach this place of true art calls for a great measure of confidence as an artist. That only comes in the doing, the trying of many experiments to find your natural way, your mark, your visual signature unlike any other. That’s why it’s an ongoing way of life.

Finding your own artistic path creates happiness, contentment, and inner peace. You have it when you can’t wait to get right into a new canvas without hesitating. Your knowledge and instinct are developed so that you don’t have to question the next direction. Listening to your art, letting it tell you what it needs, is partnering with your intuition completely. This leads to confidence and Trust in your inner voice.

Like a musician learning a new song, the more we play the better we get. One art piece leads to another. We develop a roadmap to creating that is uniquely our own. Our personal marks and colors become a part of our personality we show the world. But we have to keep moving forward for this talent to expand and evolve.

That’s why I believe creating art together month to month is a beautiful way to encourage success, growth, and discovery about ourselves and our art. Our goal is to loosen up and be excited to paint anything in our personal style. I want to keep doing more art like the above painting, Secret Lake. It’s all about How I did it. I began and it evolved as I went along. I love that.

So if you’d like to make art your way, join us at Dragonfly Art Studio. Be inspired with monthly lessons to free up your style, see what you can learn from past Masters, and then create your own original paintings from all you’ve done. Stay on track with me as you keep moving forward in your art. Get your monthly dose of art encouragement. Hope to see you there.

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