Keeping Harmony

Keeping Harmony

Harmony is the keystone of Wabi Sabi. Lately, while creating new Wabi Sabi II classes, anything but harmony has been happening. I’m finding that just sending out the good vibes doesn’t always work. Like everything else, the harmony has to start in me. I have to be in balance, truly loving myself enough to walk…Continue Reading

2 Responses to Keeping Harmony

  1. yet again, Pat, you have verbalized some of the ‘stuff’ I have been dealing with, and, I suspect, many of us. Funny you should have mentioned unfriending someone on FB. I did too after a particularly hateful post that made me realize that at this point in my life I do not want to be around negativity and meanness. And after years, decades, of beliefs about loyalty and friendship and forgiveness, I have concluded that some relationships are so very negative I choose not to be pulled down by them. I wish you well and many more yummy custom omelettes, bouquets, art and LIFE.

    • Thanks so much for the validation, Terri. It’s as though a line has been drawn, and we each have to choose to not perpetuate the anger anymore. We can’t give it any more energy. It’s the allowing them on their path, and moving forward on our own personal direction. A good and healthy thing. Keep seeking the happiness, making today better than yesterday.

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