Seeing Magic

Seeing Magic

Seeing Magic, shift perception, glimmers from the Universe

Seeing Magic calls for a shift in your perception. It’s always there, waiting to be found. Set your intention to see the Magic all around you, and you completely change your inner self.

First of all, Magic brings a heightened feeling of the sacred. I remember this shift in my body and mind when I first saw the Ocean. With ever changing waves of power flowing my way, I was mesmerized by the rhythm, the roar, and the patterns left behind on the beach.

Here was ancient Nature combining Moon tides, wind, and water pounding the land into sand. I felt like the first little human to ever experience this phenomenon. And Yet, this power keeps shifting and forming the land every day, through the ages, and beyond. I am still in Awe of it today.

I thought I was doing a painting of about the Full Moon. Instead, I started sketching this second canvas, and I knew this had to honor the powerful Ocean and Big Sky that I’m experiencing now. Plus, I lastly added the Magic 3 of white seabirds that fly low over the beach. Magic creates a different world.

Seeing Magic multiplies when you consciously set your intention.

For example, yesterday I paused in the grocery parking lot, and just listened to the most beautiful violin music. The unexpected beauty in a very mundane place, of course added to the mystery. This was magic, filling my senses in every way. Tears filled my eyes as we contributed to her cause. She had made an impression deep inside that nourished my soul. There are no words to express this feeling.

Then I discovered glimmers. There it was, my Magic voiced in another way. Be on the lookout for the glimmers that touch you deeply, create an inner peace, and put you in awe! Glimmers are like different frequencies, where perception changes you deeply.

Nature, of course, but also kindness, beautiful music, an extraordinary experience, animals, gestures of love, deep heartfelt gratitude for all in your life, and all things that take you away from the ordinary.

Also, I’ve found this feeling in man-made places where people have gathered forever. It’s one reason I love to travel. It could be a small chapel filled with fresco paintings, or an old library, museum, castle. These are places where you whisper, possibly to not disturb the power there. It’s the ancient magic.

Finally, Magic, glimmers, are not struggle. Whenever you find yourself agitated, filled with anger or anxiety, know this is within you. You are creating your world. Consciously take it and say, ‘I give this to you Higher Self, Universe, or Great Spirit. You take care of this for me.’ And let it go. Powerful forces are ready to make it great again.

Finally, seeing magic is good for your mind, body, and soul. It shows true experiences of being connected to everyone & everything. There’s far more than the surface reality to see and believe. Seeing Magic brings inner peace, happiness, and a calm that all is well in the big scheme of life. These are the meaningful, soul stirring experiences to cherish. And they’re waiting for you to discover them. How magical is that?!

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