Owl Is The Keeper of Hidden Truths

Owl Is The Keeper of Hidden Truths

owl is keeper of hidden truths
Keeper Of The Twilight- Owl

Owl is the Keeper of Hidden Truths, guardian of the transition time between day and night, between living in the dark and seeing your truth. Since ancient times, she has been a symbol of wisdom, deep hidden knowledge, and times of change. She follows the Moon, gliding silently on flights through forests, hillsides, and streams, enabling ‘the sight’ to those who trust the mystery. Plus, Owl helps navigate any darkness in life.

The Wisdom of Owl is a deep, archaic, primal one. Athena would consult her owl for direction in the ancient Greek world. As a result, Owl brings clarity, illumination, and insight to find your personal truth.

Owl kept coming back to me. I knew there were experiences today mirroring situations from my past. Emotions and feelings were being repeated that I must learn from, in order to release and move forward.

I followed some meditations and journaled my findings from an interesting app called Curable. And how did this enter my life at this time when I’m seeking answers? When you are ready, the path opens. Pain originates in the brain, they say, and not from the part of the body that aches. Start there first.

Owl is the keeper of hidden truths and deepest mysteries

My latest learning, one I’ve carried around for far too long, is that when someone you trust ‘disses’ you, (as my high school students would say), one must learn to move through the outrage, and one day, let it go. Holding on hurts the body and soul in so many ways.

There are many forms of being dissed. In this case, I realized that I felt disrespected, dismissed, and discredited. Each one is deep, hurts, and undermines the soul. Plus, I allowed this to happen because I put my trust in these people. My choices were not the best for me.

But, I have to find ways to truly let it go, for my own sake. This has been my life challenge, my deepest wound, from many years of past encounters, to just 3 weeks ago. I gave my trust, made choices, accepted others expertise, and now I’m hurting for that lack of discernment. What left me emotionally scarred in the past, hit my body today in the present, leaving my wrists and hands stiff, swollen, and in pain. Not good for an artist.

These wounds go deeper than the body and need self compassion, regaining my power, and a shift in thinking. The realization of this is a huge beginning, opening a new world for me. And Owl led me here. I know I’m on the path to healing.

Owl is of the air, guardian of the past, present, and future. Let her reveal the hidden parts of yourself in order to see life in a new way. Be open to healing in many ways. See owl as a knowing part of your higher self. Visit within to ask and get answers to all you experience. This is a holistic way to live, flow, and thrive.

Let me know what you think! Have any of you tried Curable yet? Can you trust Owl Medicine to help you through? Are you ready to let go and move forward?

More at www.awegroup.net.

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