How to Take the Inner Journey: Rabbits of Balance

How to Take the Inner Journey: Rabbits of Balance

how to take the inner journey Rabbits of Balance
Rabbit Portal, Gateway to Other World, Inner Journey, Imagination, Creation, Lush Beauty, Wonderland, Magic

How to take the Inner Journey begins with your favorite spirit animal at this time. For me, Rabbits of Balance, Imagination, and Inner Journey go together. Our rabbit has returned to the yard! She’s so aware, always listening, and so fast once she’s decided on a direction.

At this full moon time, with Summer Solstice just weeks away, rabbit reminds us to balance our demands vs wants, heart’s desire vs routine, and play vs work. Plus, as we follow the path of our own true self, our work becomes play. Anything less is not validating this day in our lives. We are here to consciously experience the senses in every way, to explore and learn more about ourselves each day, and to be filled with joy as we dispense more joy.

How to take the inner journey is finding your personal voice. Rabbit Portal shows us the lush inner journey of our imagination. Also, once we find ourselves, and can name our true talents, we can focus on building our natural strengths and do what comes easiest to us. This is how life was meant to be.

Furthermore, the Inner Journey gives tools and directives to keep us all on track. It’s where we know who we really are in our core, not what the world has told us to be. This place creates a momentum that is exciting, passionate, and fun.

For example, ‘The Queen’s Gambit’ is the best show I’ve ever seen that truly shows a character finding her voice, her vision, and her best personal path for life. Beth in the show, grows up trying everything to find herself. It only happens when she truly trusts herself.

Imagination, voice, often comes in images, colors, and forms that bring a deep ‘knowing’ of what to do next. Trusting yourself and then doing something about it, are the tricky parts. Mind wants to get logical, talk us out of it, and plants the seeds of doubt. But, you must follow your inner guide and especially your ‘feelings’ about anything. What does your heart tell you to do? Feelings hit the body and must be considered.

“A strength is what you do that makes you feel strengthened.” Marcus Buckingham

How to take the Inner Journey opens a portal to what you love.

Creativity in any form that excites you is a great beginning. Set yourself a goal. Each day experiment with something new that grabs your curiosity and makes you happy. Change your routine. Go outside. It can be trying something small that is easy but new.

Especially, use this powerful full moon energy to funnel into your inner world of the imagination, the ‘what if’ possibilities. Life is full of new experiences to taste, touch, smell, feel, and do. Open yourself to the true world of nature, birds, creativity, and rebirth.

Finally, as they say, if you are a writer, then write! Whatever it is that you are, first and foremost, you are The Creator of your life every day. You call the shots, you make the choices, and you create the dream.

All in all, Live life, don’t let life live you. Rabbits of Balance remind you to Pause, and tally up all that you do in a day. Then add your passion, heart’s desire, the easy, fun, innate talent you were born with, and honor it. Here’s to more love, kindness, and peace. Tell us below what new fun thing you’ve experienced today.

More inspiration at More about Marcus Buckingham and his books here.

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