Summoning The Magic

Summoning The Magic

summoning the magic
Green Eye Magic, butterfly of spirit

Summoning the Magic during this Halloween, Blue Moon, end of October time, is perfect for focusing on the astonishing soul that is You! Traditionally a time of bonfires, shifting seasons, and the thinning of the veils between dimensions, it’s a time to go deeper.

First of all, what mystical creature do you relate to at this time? Mine are Bear, Dragon, Hummer, Butterfly, and Raven. They appear in my art intuitively. Each represents a deeper form of consciousness within time and memories. Find yours, surround yourself with images, and explore their meanings. Many represent spirits, dreams, and power.

Secondly, create a ritual to make your creative time special. I lay out my brushes, clean up my studio, and hunt for photos I can interpret that somehow grab my soul. Burning some pinon incense immerses all my senses. Also, I wear jewelry with symbols that I value to connect me to the invisible spirit, intuition, and the vast consciousness river of creativity. How do you make your creative time special?

Thirdly, summoning the magic needs you to begin. Start to create, make marks on canvas, or sketch the placement of things. Then Listen deeply. Plus, making visible your inner dreams and musings, takes you on the inner journey. There are no deadlines here. Everything can be worked, reworked, made right, and experimented on until you’re pleased.

Sometimes, knowing when to stop creates unbelievable Magic. Here’s where you can even surprise yourself. Taking a break, take a photo, see it the next day, will tell you volumes about your art. As a result, Art can be a masterpiece in a short time, and likewise destroyed just as quickly.

So take a step back. Listen, pause, and proceed gently. This is a discovery of your deepest self. Everything takes practice. What are you learning about yourself today? Are you doing what you love? Always seek your Soul Connection.

Remember, this is a loving journey into Self. No busyness, schedules, or deadlines to distract you. You deserve this quality time every day. Your purpose, your Magic, is to know yourself. Pay attention to who you are becoming each day. Your gift is to share your talents with the world, in your own good time.

Keep in touch at Pat Gullett Designs. I’ll be adding more available originals and updates to life. Let me know what you do, love, and think. I’d love to connect with you all.

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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

In Memory of Pat Gullett, April 29, 2024

It is with great sorrow and difficulty that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Pat on Monday, April 29, 2024. She was at home and passed peacefully while asleep. Words cannot describe how much we will miss her love of life, love of her family, creativity, kindness and the spiritual impact she made…

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