Tapping the Deep Well of Creativity

Tapping the Deep Well of Creativity

tapping the deep well of creativity
Twilight Magic, New Moon, On the Edge of Spring, seeking the Magic, Flow, Beauty

Tapping The Deep Well of Creativity allows spirit to flow through you. It’s an amazing process that can be achieved with patience and practice. For example, to figure out where I am at this moment in time, I jot down thoughts, ideas, phrases or images that come to me throughout the day. Then, I walk away. All the jumble of thoughts need to incubate for awhile. I can’t make much out of them in the early stages.

I know I want gentle beauty, a beach, and springtime. Instead, Winter is holding on, as snow still covers parts of the forest and deck. The buds have been full three times this month, only to retreat back into a curled up ball stage to protect themselves from the latest blast of freezing temperatures.

I write my Morning Pages, let out all that I want more of, along with all that I want less of in my day. This focus gives me direction, and inspires action for the next creative thing.

Getting out into the fresh air is always a plus. Above all, a walk around the yard would be great, but often I find great images right from our deck. I take pictures of areas that intrigue me. The small grove of trees above, the neighbors beautiful barn, at a distance and then shot close up, are the trigger points for the above painting.

And of course, the Great New Moon that is coming this week. The Moons in all my paintings are done at the phase I see them when the art is being created. So this thin, silver crescent is revealed above the horizon, as true as when I find it in the sky. New Moon, New Beginnings. As a result, Consciously return to your Creator Self, rebirth yourself, and listen to the Wisdom within.

Tapping the deep well of creativity is trusting the Creator Self.

I paint this grove and house, not knowing where the rest will take me, allowing my intuitive self to take over. So often land becomes the sea, or a flowing river, guiding the eye through the painting. Also, favorite colors of turquoise and lavender appear without thinking. That’s what this is all about, honoring my inner Creator Self to do its best.

We are all Creators in our souls. Finding the inner path to your true self is the trick. Remember how creative you were as a child. Go back to that time and talk to that inner child. Furthermore, Ask what it needs to play again, to return to Source, to get unstuck and back into Flow. This is the place of fun, imagination, beauty, art, and especially the feeling of ease and movement. You know you’re right on because it just feels like the true you. Passion returns, creativity is fun, and you’re home again.

These are all techniques I learned to do many years ago with Julia Cameron’s inspirational book, The Artist’s Way. I highly recommend it for getting back to who you really are at your core. Give it a try. Get unstuck, get excited, and play again.

Here is a demo of how to use some of my favorite all time best tools. Enjoy!

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