The Dream Place is Another World

The Dream Place is Another World

My Dream House By the Sea, where all my dreams begin, reflections, full moon, grove of trees, Magic of the Unknown

The Dream Place is Another World, as true as our waking reality. My Dream House is where I begin, as I drift off to another dimension each night. It is filled with rooms, billowing sheer curtains, breezy warm days, and surrounded by beauty. Next, different paths lead off the back. One to a long beach with cool sand shining with small sapphires and rubies. This leads to a thatched hut where I have had great conversations with a brother who has passed.

Also a second path leads to a woods, with an open clearing. There I have placed a circle of crystals where I can sit, reflect, and nurture my spirit.

Another pause in the celestial cycle of the Universe, this Feast of Light with magic rabbits and colored eggs, occurs after the Equinox in March, and always on the Sunday after the first Full Moon of Spring. Let’s honor this time as the ancients did, as the days get longer, the sun warmer, and the shift to rebirth and abundance begins. At this ancient feast of Light celebrated the world over, let’s enter the Magic and explore our Dream Place.

My House often opens doors to new places I’ve never seen before. In a recent dream, I had a hotel room with a door leading to the outside. The connecting door to the next room opened, and 2 couples, 4 kids & a baby kept using my room to get to the street.

I’ve been doing Lucid Dreaming for awhile now, which means I become aware that I’m in a dream and that I can do something about it. So finally I said to the big guy, you all have got to stop this now. Find some other door and stay out of my room. I’m locking all the doors. Then I woke up.

Writing about this later made me aware of ‘intruders’ into my life, either tech issues, health issues, or just getting prints made wouldn’t be easy. So I dealt with it all. A premonition of things to come, possibly.

The same parts of the brain that we use to learn and process information light up when we dream. So dreams are helping us sort out life, deal with memories, and heal emotionally.

The Dream Place is another world filled with Magic.

Magic is just the Unknown, that which we don’t understand yet. As a result, Dreams often solve major problems. Sometimes words come at you like a brick wall that clarify the right path even if it means big life changes. It’s as though your heart and spirit, Higher Self and Angels, want you to get the message in no uncertain terms. And to move forward in your best interests, you need to trust them, do the hard stuff, and change your life.

Dreams hold symbols to life issues. People, places, and events all mean something. Think of the feeling left behind from the dream. Emotions work themselves out in the inner world. I know a recurring dream I have of a certain person means that I’m in overwhelm. He represents many issues that show me I need to simplify my life today.

So at this Springtime, let’s illuminate our dreams. They are here to serve us, balance our lives, and work through problems. Enter the Dream Place, the Other World, rich in details, and a cast of thousands. Ever wonder if these others are having the same dream and you play your part in them?

The Dream Place, what have you created there? Is there a House, ocean, or mountains? As well as a town filled with new adventures to explore? Keep a dream journal next to the bed to jot down any images, colors, or words that you remember. Also, take control and practice Lucid Dreaming to shift all the energies to work in your favor. It’s worth it and becomes easier each time you do it.

Dreaming is the Great Escape as each of us discover our personal place in the shifting Humanity of Man. These night visions shape who we are Becoming in a changing world. Plus, they give meaning by connecting our spiritual journeys with the lives we live. Wishing you more discoveries, stories, adventures, and well-being.

See a video of How Art Keeps me Going during Changing times.

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