The Power of the Equinox

The Power of the Equinox

The power of the equinox
Magical Boundary, Full Moon, Equinox Magic, between the worlds

The Power of the Equinox brings extremes of tides, emotions, light and dark. As the Sun balances even with the equator, it creates a pause in time. The Universe seems to hold its breath. Often there is a stillness in the air that one can feel in their body.

The seashore is especially alive. The ancients called it the magical boundary between the worlds. The tidal pull is most extreme, with the difference between high and low tides as much as 42.5 feet! Vast sandy beaches appear at low tide, but can be deceiving and change quickly. In addition, hidden islands are revealed for a short period of time, only to be submerged again as the tides flow in.

Legends abound from the coasts and ships about the mysterious creatures of the sea, and fairy lands that appear briefly to bring magic to the earth. Giant serpents, whales, krakens, mermaids, dragons, sunken cities, forgotten treasures, the Sea is another world of alien life passed down in folklore since the beginning of time.

For example, the ancient isle of Iona on the western coast of Scotland, is known as the Isle of the Druids. It may have been the seat of learning the secret arts. The land is ancient. One estimate is that this rock is possibly 1500 million years old, holding primeval creative energy.

Furthermore, one story says that it is home to the sacred seal people, whose haunting songs sound eerily human. The Selkies are said to come ashore during sacred times, possibly every 100 years. They then shed their cloaks, take human form except for webbed hands and feet, and gather to sing their ancient clan songs in mating rituals. But, they must have their cloak to return to the sea. Tales of stolen cloaks and Selkie wives abound. Eventually all discover their way home, to leave fish on the shore for their human children left behind.

The Power of the Equinox calls us to balance spirit and body.

The call of the sea is always about your hidden emotions, subconscious, and intuitive self. You come from the waters of your birth, and if brave, can immerse back into them to find your truth. This is the land of visions, dreams, and deep knowing.

For me, the Equinox is all about finding Balance between my soul and body, my feminine and masculine, and my dreams and reality. Trusting my self in this inner journey is major. I stay grounded by painting reflections of my life at this time. I come to this mystic boundary between the worlds to touch the magic, bringing transformation, healing, and love into every moment.

Discover your magic during this Equinox. Feel the push and pull of the tides within your body. Give yourself quiet time to listen to your heart lessons. Return transformed in some way and give new meaning to your life. Share your experiences below, journal or paint them as a record of your journey at this time.

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