3 Ways to Transform Life with Art

3 Ways to Transform Life with Art

3 ways to transform life with art sacred journey painting
Sacred Journey, New Artistic Life, New Year

3 Ways to Transform Life with Art, A New Year of Living the Artist’s Life

3 ways to Transform life with art begins with Believing in yourself, loving yourself, and being ready to change. You are what you Believe you are. Thoughts rule your actions and make all the difference.

1. First of all, move in the direction of balance, fulfillment, and excitement by aligning your art with your life. For me, this means moving out into the world, trying new things, and going for the feelings this brings. I’m learning to create art books of my paintings to reach a new audience.

New is scary and leads down an unknown path. But this is where our power lies.

2. See life as fluid, moving and shifting all the time. A choice is just a choice. If it doesn’t work out, just make a new choice. Each direction teaches us something new, and leads to shifts and transformation. We are no longer static, or stuck in the same old place. In addition, we begin to trust our creative choices. A decision today leads to greater ones tomorrow if we don’t hold ourselves back.

3. 3 ways to Transform life with art also means our Art Reflects our Life. Our art focus ignites our life and builds momentum. We have a purpose for creating, and feel validity again. We’re no longer scattered or unsure. Eliminating the clutter of each helps us move forward with a clear goal in mind. No longer wandering, our studio is our creative cauldron for art, career, and happiness.

How do you choose to live your life? What would make it, your Life and your Art, more exciting, memorable, and fulfilling? Align your art to these goals and Magic happens. You and your art become stronger. You improve and your art evolves over time.

Giving value and growing your Art over Time is the Key. A new group is forming in Feb, just for that. Dragonfly Art Program is the place to create a strong body of work, build confidence as an artist, and create a regular art practice Over Time. Sign up here for the latest news. Also, remember we have Dragonfly Art Club on FB. It’s a free group to share your ideas and art in a community. Join us to see what you think. Transform your life with creative choices. That changes everything!

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