Raining Golden Leaves

Raining Golden Leaves

Light In the Forest
Light In the Forest

Colors so intense, my camera couldn’t capture them!

Driving into town this morning, my senses were overwhelmed with gorgeous yellows, oranges, purples, and pinks, in a backdrop in intense blue sky! The ipad or iphone couldn’t come close to recording this beautiful landscape. I set up my canvas and proceeded to paint what was before my eyes.

From my color mixing experiments, I came up with a Fall color chart. I painted the entire canvas with Ultramarine Blue + white. It shifts tones as other colors are placed next to it. Our Forest has an area where it get lighter the farther back it goes. There are areas of thickets, streams, and grasses that reflect the sun and seem to go on forever. The tree trunks appear deep blue, as the fall colors proceed from lighter in the back to deeper in the front. It’s all very surreal, glowing, and magical.

My great Buck deer is a combination of the Buck from the opening of Outlander, and those young bucks of our own herd. Elegant, regal, and nearly invisible, he appears from the foliage as if in a dream. This was a painting I had to do: New England fall, Oct. 2015, a moment in time.


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