Dragonfly Magic Everywhere

Dragonfly Magic Everywhere

Lady of the Dragonflies, My Photos + Art Apps + Painting...Wabi Sabi II classes
Lady of the Dragonflies, My Photos + Art Apps + Painting…Wabi Sabi II classes

Hundreds of Dragonflies cover the yard.

Masters of illusion, they remind us that things are rarely what they seem. We live in this illusion that all physical reality is solid and stable. Dragonfly brings the magic to reveal the truth that life is change, constantly shifting moment to moment, day to day. We’ll never have another day exactly like this one.

“All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream” Edgar Allan Poe. How do you see your life? Do you invest yourself in the living dream, taking it as true reality, or do you ultimately realize that life keeps shifting and changing with your emotions and attitude? As you are creator of all around you, it is your mirror, and can be seen in many layered aspects. You don’t have to buy into just one….instead take a different approach, a new path away from usual reactions, and you’ve shifted the energy.

Lady of the Dragonflies is my newest painting, which I present in step by step videos in Wabi Sabi II classes, starting in July. She is imbued with the colors, movement, and elemental spirits of Summer. Born in the Dreamtime, she brings memories of the other world of magic, shape shifting, and unlimited possibilities. Fly on iridescent dragonfly wings and embrace the winds of change. Make this summer your most magical of all.

Magical Swan
Magical Swan
Lake of the Swans
Lake of the Swans

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