The Sacred Dark to Birth New Light

The Sacred Dark to Birth New Light

Wise Woman, new painting, the Chalice Well

Winter Solstice Longest Night of the Year

“Nothing can cure the soul but the senses just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul” Oscar Wilde

Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year, is a time of Dreaming. There’s a place I go, a cave within the heart. Fox leaps & dances in and out of the fire, Owl flies at and through me, and Sabre the Wolf Dog guards and protects me. I meet my ancestors there, my brother Jim and my Mother, who are guides along the way. Grandmother Moon shines through an opening in the roof. This safe place is where I remember the experiences gone by, and dream my future into existence.

We all become Wiser with the passing year. Honor all that you’ve learned, all the feelings you’ve felt, since all are there to serve you in some way. Stand behind the short wall and without emotion, explore the events that have stopped you cold, as well as the ones that have expanded & broadened your horizons. Emotions & thoughts in the moment stop all movement forward. But seeing with the senses, broadens the big picture, helps you not take it personally, and continues the energy forward. Become the Observer of your life.

When major physical challenges hit, we all wish to get back to ‘normal’. We seek to get back to that moment before we were hit. Remember how that felt ‘before’, when we were in control, could do anything, and were filled with energy & anticipation for the new day. That’s the Dream to create for the future in your deep cave of the heart. Write about it, draw it out, dance it into being. Feel the excitement again of all the possibilities a new day offers. The Dreams of today become the reality of tomorrow.

So enter this Winter Solstice long night, treat the dark as your friend and ally, as you conjure, feel, and imagine all the magic of the coming year. Celebrate the coming light, the return of the Sun, and a new dawn creating great experiences, bringing love, and producing adventures for you personally this year.

Great Milky Way in the deepest longest night of the year.

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