Rivers Are Magical Boundaries

Rivers Are Magical Boundaries

rivers are magical boundaries
River of Light, our Lake Lillinonah, along the Housatonic River, as I see it today

Rivers are Magical Boundaries between countries, states, and cultures. The sky was so bright this day, that the great River reflected bright white in every direction. The land appears in shades of white and shadow, as blustery Wind Moon makes it hard to believe we are really headed towards Spring.

“I do not know much about gods, but I think that the river is a strong brown god,” R.S. Eliot, ‘Four Quartets’

First of all, Rivers were divine to the ancients. As the Goddess Hapi, she was the Nile, bringing life and vegetation. In addition, elsewhere she was called the goddess Ganga, the water rising from the hair of the god.

Maps are based on rivers, as they are gathering points for religious ceremonies. Baptisms, confirmations, death, rebirth are all connected to seas and waterways. Also, Water has always been a rite of passage for the tribes, immersion symbolic of purification and cleansing of body and soul.

Rivers are Magical Boundaries representing life itself.

I see a river of life as fluid, constantly changing, flowing, moving forward, as must I, if I want to stay present and experience all phases of life. It keeps changing in time and space, even though its nature is timeless. I Am this River of Light.

So, I can easily fall into dreaming while gazing at the flowing river. Coming from my Source, it carries me through life, all the way to the other side, the land of spirit. I can fight the current and try to control it all, but it’s much easier to allow it to take me on this journey. Usually it just meanders with events and experiences marking the way.

The River is a reflection of life. It seems supernatural when shining white. Beginning as a little trickle in the heart of some mountain, the abode of the gods, it gains power and speed as it grows and flows. As a result, rivers built civilizations. Genesis even speaks of 4 Rivers flowing from the Garden of Eden, meeting at the World Tree.

Crossing the River is said to be a major transition in life, a path to enlightenment, a link to the dream state and the waking state. The Hero’s Journey. Most of all, it’s an ancient symbol connecting us all, binding us all, it originally brought us together to survive and thrive. So, Rivers connect Heaven and Earth, Spirit and Body, Above and Below. It touches all living things, and brings us together as one.

Therefore, Flow in the Great River of your life. Float without struggle, consciously aware of all you see, hear, feel, and touch. This is truly your personal creation, a hero’s journey, to experience deeply in all its warmth, flow, and movement. You never can enter the same river twice. It’s always shifting and changing moment to moment. The past is gone. Now is the moment of power.

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