Ravenwoman Brings Me Back

Ravenwoman Brings Me Back

ravenwoman brings me back
Ravenwoman, My Source, Ancestry, Home, Nest, Beginning

Ravenwoman brings me back to my Source, my origin story, my home, no matter where I am. Ravens are said to be shapeshifters. Sometimes as blue as the twilight air, they can switch in the blink of an eye to looking as black as the deepest starlit sky. Plus, gathering in groups, calling to each other, warning the rest of the neighborhood of predators or danger, they are guardians of the Earth. Listen and watch for them to know what’s happening around your place.

First of all, I’ve dreamt of ravenwomen for decades. They’d appear as three, casting spells in the backyard. Often they are whispering to me, and I try so hard to remember every word. I gave Her 7 whispering ravens.

Then there was the huge baby raven who couldn’t fly up to the tree, where the encouraging Tribe looked on. He decided to hop down onto a pile of wood next to the garage, and spend the night. Too many cats in the neighborhood! He came to us for help. I called my brother, who came right over, put out his arm, and brought the big guy to our porch. He took him home for the night. Let him practice flying in the basement, fed him, and returned the next day. Once on the garage roof, the Tribe returned in a matter of minutes! They have a telepathy about them. This time they got him to the tree, and he learned to fly from branch to branch. Saved from a traumatic night!

Ravens let me know I’m right where I’m supposed to be. When I travel, they call to me or fly over, protecting my journey, no matter how exotic it may be. Ravens are full of mystery, waiting to be discovered.

Ravenwoman had been on my mind all week. Ancient Greece called them the birds of prophecy. Secondly, ravens were familiars bringing news of other clans. Odin had 2, ‘thought’ and ‘memory’. The Tower of London is always protected by 6-7 ravens. It’s believed England will fall if they fly away.

Since the beginning, Raven has been the Hero of the day. He stole the Sun from Eagle, and threw it into the sky for us all. This scorched his white feathers to black. I loved thinking of raven as bringing the healing Light to the world.

Plus, seven is a magical mathematical number, a prime number, that can only be evenly divided by itself. There are 7 days in a week, 7 dwarves, and 7 is how much info we can get and process at the same time, psychologically speaking.

Ravenwoman brings me back to myself.

Once while in a healing energy group when I first moved to the east coast, at the end of the session, one woman said she had received a message for me. How strange! Then she told me of Raven Grandmother, who has been filling in the tail feathers of the Great Raven. Now she’s passing the torch to me, to continue the great work.

So Raven tails, and Raven Tales have been guiding me along the path. I continue to grow, learn, write, and paint as raven whispers new ideas when I remember to listen.

Therefore, take time to listen and find yourself in hidden knowledge, secret whispers, and your own personal wisdom. What Spirit Animal calls to you, or comes to you in dreams? Gather all the info you can, be open to synchronicity, listen to intuition, and see what magic comes your way.

Bring my Raven home! See one of my favorite Raven prints available for your home.

Raven Emergence

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