Be As a Flower in a Timeless Universe

Be As a Flower in a Timeless Universe

being as a flower in a timeless universe
Peach Poppies, Be as a Flower in a Timeless Universe

Be as a Flower in a Timeless Universe, without a watch, schedule, or deadline, allows us to truly live in the present. Can you imagine being a part of Nature and just following your instincts, feelings, and inner wisdom? Physics has no place for ‘time’.

Time is an illusion, but that’s OK, even if it is a man-made structure to help us make sense of life. Moreover, in quantum physics and relativity, we are agents, with agency, meaning we can do things and see results of our actions. In this way, there are only events, and experiences we have, with one leading to another. There is no flow. We created that to bring order to our minds.

First of all, if we were a flower, we would root, spread our deep fingers into the soil, and nurture our seed or bulb. The inner work would come first. Dark within the womb of the Mother, we live in the space between, we incubate, dream, and energize making a strong foundation upon which to grow.

I know with my house plants, I must be careful not to love them with too much water that drowns the roots. Excess water, emotions, drama, or upsets of the world that I have no power over, just rot my roots. Plus, like worry, they eat away at the insides.

Next, the plant must feel what is right before coming forth from the ground. An inner knowing tells if the weather is warm, sunny, or calm enough for a sprout to appear. Leaves so often have to curl themselves up to protect from sudden squall, hail, or drought. The flower listens deeply, and trusts its instincts to thrive.

Like a flower, we must check the weather report of our lives. Sometime we must be patient, bide our time, explore, and discover our strengths before venturing out. This takes deep inner wisdom, asking our higher selves, our inner wolf or owl, for direction and insight. Balance is needed between our inner dreams and our worldly creations. If we just blunder out without making our boundaries, any challenge may fly in, so we must be ready.

Be as a flower in a timeless Universe creates Trust in Self.

Thirdly, the flower ‘feels deeply’ when to unfurl its leaves and buds. Trusting itself completely, it grows, divines, and creates magic with air, dew, and all life around it. It breathes in sun and photosynthesizes to release brilliant fresh air to the atmosphere. Flower knows where it belongs and thrills in its existence in the garden of life.

Here, we find our happy place to live, exist, and thrive. In addition, we love where we are and know this is exactly where we are supposed to be. Life should be as a flower growing to adulthood. A natural cycle of Nature, of our body doing what it loves, of connecting with our like minded friends, and of creating beauty, color, and light wherever we go.

Lastly, the brilliant, magical flower blooms in exceptional color, shape, and form. Above all, each is unique with its own gift to share to the world. The Earth shifted when Flowers appeared. Like our eyes and limbs, flowers evolved old genes for new jobs. Some healed, others fed humans/bees/butterflies, others caught bugs, some became poisonous, each creating its own little world of beauty and love. They pollinated and spread world-wide, becoming the most sought after, and major source of food on the planet.

So let’s pull away from time for awhile, and view life as a Flower, in cycles of events, one leading to the next. As we care for our roots, release deadly emotions, nurture our bodies with exercise and healthy food, we too will bloom in our own personal unique way to add to the mixed bouquet of the world. Therefore, have fun with all you do, do what feels right, and Be a conscious part of evolving Nature. Be Present and experience a grand Spirit in a body for this moment on Earth.

Let’s have some fun and see how to paint Summer Poppies in an easy way.

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