4 Steps To Inner Journey

4 Steps To Inner Journey

4 steps to taking the inner journey
Three Explorers, 3 Intrepid Rabbit Explorers take the Inner Journey to the Light

4 Steps to Inner Journey always begins with Conscious Exploring. Here we have our 3 Intrepid Rabbits, beginning their journey to find the Light. They guide themselves by the stars, aided by a Full Moon. Plus, symbols of alchemy shine the path through the opening to the Other World. It’s there waiting for us to be ready, to be willing to take a risk, and to be aware and act with purpose. In addition, this is truly the Journey to Self, learning who we really are at our core.

Exploring with intention, changes how we perceive life. A new way of Seeing is everything. Therefore, clues appear, synchronicities happen, and doors open that we may have ignored in common reality. Books may pop off the shelves at us, calls may tell of a new answer to a nagging problem, and insights may appear in day or night dreams.

Like our rabbits, we tread the waters of emotion, discover flowers of insight, and allow the flash of a bluebird to ignite our passion. But now, we interact with the signs and the world around us with awareness. Our focus changes life.

Secondly, on the Great Inner Journey, once we decide to explore deeper, we must Listen. A space must be created to hear inspiration when it comes our way. It often comes when we least expect it. In addition, some create sacred space, light the candle, burn the incense, and meditate. We enter a psychic sanctuary, saying we are here to receive guidance from our inner wisdom. A safe haven allows us to say whatever is on our minds. Put the question out there, ‘where am I now in this Present Moment of life?

Then let it go and get into the body. Take a walk, paint something, do the dishes, since you never know when inspiration will send its message to you. Plus, have a notebook with you wherever you wander so that the amazing truth will not be forgotten once it comes your way. This lets Universe know you’re ready to receive.

4 Steps to Inner Journey Taps Inner Wisdom.

Next, comes Knowing. When brilliance hits you between the eyes, it has a power, an awe, an unbelievably strong impact that you know is true. It feels profound. Knowing lives deep within our heart of hearts. It can not be denied. The Truth knocks out any doubt. You become filled with confidence and realize exactly what you must do next. This is your inner guidance, higher self talking in no uncertain terms. You make decisions from a place of power. There is no hesitancy left.

The above painting had a background of mountains, and not much else. After a day, I knew exactly where our 3 explorers were headed: to the sacred grove with light beyond the light. I painted white over the mountains, then the yellow of the horizon of Light. Next, water, reflections of emotions appeared as they then take a Hero’s journey of purification and beauty. The Magic forest is where the treasure lies. Our 3 need to go deeper within themselves, create a path to follow, and discover themselves along the way.

Finally, the 4th Step is to Trust your inner guidance in all things. Allow this to become a way of Life. Here is where you truly find that the Light has been within you all along. Life becomes easier, like a river flowing inevitably down a path. Moreover, you pace yourself, creating quiet time for hearing inspiration that tells you what’s next. The body lives in peace, feeling the beauty and love of connection on all levels. Judging nothing, caring for itself, the Spirit is nurtured from within. Body and Soul are a team experiencing all the events of a life well lived.

So let’s decide to live in the moment of our own Inner Light. Radiate your gifts to the world. Follow your heart and create beauty every step of the way. Be led by your inner guidance to create your own personal world, filled with light and love. Set boundaries, Be the Magician, and most of all, act as the Gatekeeper of Light.

Here’s a step by step painting of flowers that I did Live once upon a time. Enjoy!

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