Create Your Own World

Create Your Own World

create your own world, Santa Fe arch & tower
Dream Portals, Mystical doorways to the Dream World, Prints at Fine Art America

Create Your Own World to have the best life ever. These are times to truly take care of yourself in every way. You have to be safe in health, security, and actions. This involves being aware of all you do, acting from your feelings, and choosing wisely who to trust.

First of all, your own world is what you experience with all your senses. What do you see and feel around you right now? Seek the beauty every moment. Body is always aware far before your brain engages. That’s built into our survival mode. But this also means don’t just go with the flow, or keep to regular habits. These new times call for new attention.

I know I’m able to travel safely, but only if I’m conscious of my surroundings. I mask up quickly in a mob, and get out to a quieter place fast. Fiestas, airports, and the energy of a Farmers Market can change quickly. I seek out quiet, open spaces often.

Secondly, step away from sensationalism. That’s the news and especially the weather channels. You can’t do anything about it except to take care of yourself. These things are distractions, almost hypnosis, grabbing your emotions and keeping you enthralled in the tragedies of the world. Find simple solutions to life around you, and trust your instincts always. Do whatever keeps you at peace with everyday life.

Create your own world by pursuing what you love.

I know happy guys who immerse themselves in sports. This keeps them watching, gathering, and attending something each season. Plus, things like Nature walks, taking photos of beautiful places, and hunting for certain plants or flowers, can also be done all year round. These things are personal, and you can find like minded groups and friends easily to share your discoveries. Sharing your gift is so self fulfilling.

My World is my art. I begin with things in my life at this time, then let inspiration create its Magic. Photos, dreams, the sky/clouds/moon/forest today, my travels all begin my art making. My newest painting, Dream Portals, began with my favorite arch and tower from Santa Fe. I sketched them, but then I let imagination take over.

The arch needed to be higher on a hill. The recent Full Moon and Jupiter are there, but I wanted to create a mystical feeling with deep colors and a flowing sea. As I worked, the arched entryways became doorways to the Dream World. Now, each night, I see this image and enter the one on the left before falling into a deep sleep.

Thirdly, protect yourself and be careful who you trust. I was trusting a site to sell my art. But, they are switching financial providers who are far too intrusive in my personal data. I just can’t do that!

Never give your personal information out to anyone, ever! When you do this, you are giving them permission to be you. Protect yourself, and make changes when needed. Give no one your Secrets! Your world is your private, hidden place protected by the most high powers, if you keep it that way.

So my Art World is shifting to selling prints on Fine Art America. The above image is there, with new art added daily. If you have a favorite image of mine, let me know and I’ll add it to the site. I feel much safer, there are many more options available, and the prints look great.

Therefore, how would you Create Your Own World? Travel to the Dream World and see what appears.

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