The Beauty Way Pause

The Beauty Way Pause

The Beauty Way, Summer Solstice Magic

The Beauty Way pause is that time in the Universe, when the Sun balances on the midway point and creates Summer Solstice. It feels like the Universe holds its breath for many long days of sunlight.

Here in the Northeast, the days begin cool, calm, and hazy. The Sun starts out pale, then brightens as the day goes on.

I wonder where are the hot days of June, filled with fireflies, butterflies, and the vacation freedom of my childhood? I’m feeling full of have-tos, when I seek ‘want-tos’.

At first, I’m really agitated by all the things that must be done for the house, for the car, for the computer, like the deleting of far too many emails. I just want to be in my secret studio space and make art, paint, create jewelry. That’s my escape.

Plus, I find I project these feeling on others and resent all their busy-ness that keeps them from flying free. But they are my mirrors. Ultimately, everything I’m feeling is all about me. I can’t help them since they have to find their own path to follow, grow, and learn. I have to help myself first.

My magic comes from stream of consciousness writing. So I ask what’s the wisdom in all this? Why am I continually called away from the fun stuff I love to do? Art has always been my great escape.

Then I ‘hear’, remember the observer raven. Be the observer of life all around you, since that’s part of the life experience as well as the doing. Take a step back. All this ‘other’ stuff is really the balance for the creator self.

What? I’m always seeking my balance in my art, now I have to see the world out there as my balance to the creative process?! Apparently, yes.

The Beauty Way Pause is like taking a break from Life.

This Summer Solstice pause is like a time out. It’s the perfect time to re-evaluate all my art. ‘Other things’ will actually re-energize, refocus, expand, and evolve my artist self. This gets me away from a daily schedule, which can get me ‘stuck’ in the same repetitive doing, and instead opens me to ‘being’ in new, creative ways. It’s a total turn about in attitude and life.

Therefore, ‘disruptions’ can be a welcome break in life. A time to put my attention to getting cleared, organized, and fixed, in house, body, and internet. Then it Does become my balance from the great ‘doing’ of the creative process. It’s being creative in a different direction.

Also, it opens me to flow from Doing, to Being inspired in new ways. Getting ideas from the world, seeing new scenery away from home, discovering new ways of being flexible and in flow, opens me to evolving, learning, and growing.

In addition, I can’t even begin to tell you how many interruptions I’ve had in the writing of this! Between the doorbell, the phone, and now a spider on my glasses, I’m learning to slip back and forth between demands of life and the call of the spirit. You can too!

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