Summer Solstice Transformation

Summer Solstice Transformation

summer solstice transformation
Solstice Serenity, finding Balance with Fire Dragon of Transformation, and Kwan Yin Goddess of Mercy & compassion

Summer Solstice Transformation this year is the balance of the Fire Dragon of change with Kwan Yin, the Goddess of mercy and compassion. This is also the Dance of Dark and Light, Yin and Yang, the Unknown and Inner wisdom. The Dance keeps us moving forward in enlightenment, change, and evolution.

Fire Dragon hit me squarely yesterday as I began to purge big time! I wanted to find my business cards to include the story of a piece of jewelry I was selling. They were scattered beneath accumulation from the last two years. At first, I thought this was a distraction away from writing and painting. But then it quickly turned into the Grand Purge of getting rid of all that no longer pertained to my life! Layers were disposed of, value judgements were made, and stacks were donated. It was a purification at the deepest level.

When I finally found all my business cards from the past, I realized that only one explained who I am today! I have dropped classes, clubs, and membership sites, which truly were overwhelming, time consuming, and not working as expected. From doing Live Paintings every Friday on FB, to gathering images of the Masters as examples, I walked away from it all. Time to burn the old out of my life.

Then Kwan Yin reentered my life. I have small statues and cards of Her, collected over the years. But this time she appeared as a 3′ tall garden statue at our Sunday market. Beautiful, serene, and a blessing to our deck, She has returned to watch over me. I needed to remember to love myself, to live in gentle mercy, and to value all I do. I have nothing to prove since I am enough right in this moment of time.

Summer Solstice Transformation is the Dance of Dark and Light.

The Dark is nothing to fear. We all have dark and light within us, but they are not at war. To be in balance, one must see the dark as merely the Unknown, the mystery that we bravely enter to learn more about blending our Humanity with our Soul Self. Plus, this is a way to accept all parts of ourselves as we are, in imperfect perfection. The dark needs the light to exist. Do not judge it or run from it.

The Light is our inner wisdom. It shines on the dark to reveal new facets we have yet to face. We only get there by experiencing in the body, loving ourselves gently, and continuing on the journey of Life. Also, Soul is here to know the senses, to adapt to changes, and learn along the way. It loves to love, to be in beauty, to create, and play,

As I focused on healing my shoulder and wrists from overwork, sharing my techniques with the world no longer mattered. Instead, this became a time to focus on my art, writing, and me, as I watched my body go through the amazing experience of healing itself. Physical Therapy, building up strength, and moving the body became the daily priority.

But we need it all. Befriend the fire dragon. As the energy and vitality of the wild Fire Dragon burns away the old, the Goddess Kwan Yin opens our hearts to walking the Beauty Way. How do you find balance at this powerful time of the year? What is your Fire Dragon taking away that you have known in the past? In addition, we can never go back. Fire consumes, transforms, and shifts the landscape of life. Go with it, flow like the waters, seek strength from Kwan Yin, enter the painting above. Above all, each day is a beautiful gift of love. Summer Solstice is Tuesday, June 21. Celebrate the Sun!

Find more about balancing the Dark and the Light here.

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