Category Archives: Art with a Focus

Three Moons of Light

Three Moons of Light

Three Moons of Light give direction, insights, and a path to follow. One reminds us that the body is our Partner in our evolution. The second says to Listen to the intuitive voice of Soul, that gives wisdom every day. And the third says to Follow your Desires, your feelings, since those are the offerings…Continue Reading

Discovering the Mystery

Discovering the Mystery

Discovering the Mystery is Early Summer Magic. This is a new energy filling the Earth, full of Light, Dreams, and Possibilities. We can make plans, choose a direction, and take steps, and we must do those things to get things rolling, but then it’s time to open to the Unknown. Life takes us on journeys…Continue Reading

The Beauty Way Pause

The Beauty Way Pause

The Beauty Way pause is that time in the Universe, when the Sun balances on the midway point and creates Summer Solstice. It feels like the Universe holds its breath for many long days of sunlight. Here in the Northeast, the days begin cool, calm, and hazy. The Sun starts out pale, then brightens as…Continue Reading

Summer Impressions

Summer Impressions

Summer Impressions immersed me into the beauty all around me. And then I remembered reading a Maia Toll quote of no longer seeking something to fight for, but instead, shifting to discovering something to LIVE for! The treasure is the thing that gets us going every morning. The action is fun, full of passion, and…Continue Reading

Golden Sunset Revelation

Golden Sunset Revelation

Golden Sunset Revelation is the promise that all will be well. The Earth always manages to right herself in her own majestic way. And it works the same way with our human extremes of deepest depths of sorrow, magically shifting into golden light, beauty, and peace. Life is constantly in cycles of evolving balance. As…Continue Reading

Spring Reflections

Spring Reflections

Spring Reflections, my new painting, is an image taken from the speeding auto-train taking us from Florida to Virginia. The best things about this trip were that we didn’t have to drive for three days, and the images I captured from the train. Trains go through some wild territory. For example, the land is swampy,…Continue Reading

3 Hares Mystery

3 Hares Mystery

3 Hares Mystery is an ancient symbol from China. Thousands of years old, it was first discovered in ancient Chinese cave temples, but then spread to sacred sites throughout Asia, Europe, and the UK. Plus, from synagogues to cathedrals, the mystery has been shared without any definitive explanation or origin story. So the general belief…Continue Reading

Fresh Eyes of Spring

Fresh Eyes of Spring

Fresh Eyes of Spring is starting New. To be in harmony with Nature is to connect to the New Solar Year, the rebirth of all life, Springtime. Plus, everything has a new beginning from the animals giving birth, the broods of birds in nests, the buds on trees, and even the growing trickle of springs…Continue Reading

Living The Island Life

Living The Island Life

Living the Island Life is allowing events to happen without expectations or beliefs holding you back. It’s letting go of controlling everything you want to happen, and just living with what is. This is True Flow. Also, so much depends on our attitudes and really Being Present to life around us. Every day should be…Continue Reading

Three Moons of Light
Discovering the Mystery
The Beauty Way Pause
Summer Impressions
Raven of Being
Golden Sunset Revelation
Spring Reflections
3 Hares Mystery
Fresh Eyes of Spring
Living The Island Life