Category Archives: Creativity

Ancient Harbor

Ancient Harbor

Ancient Harbor reminds us that our safe harbor is within us, just waiting to be remembered, always ready to get us through all the changing times. We, too are strong, have resilience, and can weather the storms through space and time. Life has proven that since we’re all still here. A flood of emotion rolled…Continue Reading

Three Moons of Light

Three Moons of Light

Three Moons of Light give direction, insights, and a path to follow. One reminds us that the body is our Partner in our evolution. The second says to Listen to the intuitive voice of Soul, that gives wisdom every day. And the third says to Follow your Desires, your feelings, since those are the offerings…Continue Reading

Midsummer Magic

Midsummer Magic

Midsummer Magic is all about the Infinity of Life and Art. Both are continually evolving, growing, shifting, and changing. Our Today is made up of beautiful memories, places, and experiences, combined with the life all around us Now. This painting shows the lush forest and large blue heron of the Old Graue Mill. A magical…Continue Reading

Discovering the Mystery

Discovering the Mystery

Discovering the Mystery is Early Summer Magic. This is a new energy filling the Earth, full of Light, Dreams, and Possibilities. We can make plans, choose a direction, and take steps, and we must do those things to get things rolling, but then it’s time to open to the Unknown. Life takes us on journeys…Continue Reading

Summer Impressions

Summer Impressions

Summer Impressions immersed me into the beauty all around me. And then I remembered reading a Maia Toll quote of no longer seeking something to fight for, but instead, shifting to discovering something to LIVE for! The treasure is the thing that gets us going every morning. The action is fun, full of passion, and…Continue Reading

Moon Dance

Moon Dance

Moon Dance started with our Hazy Moon, lost in the smoke of Canadian wildfires spreading thoughout our night sky. The scent of smoke hangs in the air. Also, a very surreal summer feeling fills both day and night. It turns the Sun orange, cools the temperatures, and casts strange shadows through the trees. Next, inspired…Continue Reading

Hawk Moon, Art & Stories

Hawk Moon, Art & Stories

Hawk Moon, Art & Stories signals a time of deep listening. Here lives inner wisdom to find your path, and blaze a new trail. There are always two choices. The first is to stay on the worn path. It’s become a bit stagnant, but you know it well. In addition, deep down you also know…Continue Reading