Category Archives: Inspiration

Three Magic Owls

Three Magic Owls

Three Magic Owls are the wisdom of choice in a changing world. They are recognizing the two parts of ourselves that present completely different approaches to life. One is the little self, many call it the Ego, who carries a fear of change, wants to hold onto what it thinks is safe, and feels powerless…Continue Reading

Dreaming The New Earth

Dreaming The New Earth

Dreaming The New Earth puts me in balance with a changing world. Painting, creativity, art, takes me into the inner realm, a sacred journey, to the land of possibilities. Here Source lives. Also, it’s the invisible place of all dreams, inspiration, and ideas before becoming manifest. Especially now, during New Moon and Solar Eclipse occurring…Continue Reading

Play of Light

Play of Light

Play of Light is so amazing as the Sun hits more extreme angles and illuminates gold! On our Litchfield Hills, layers of brilliance appear, valleys lighten up, misty lavenders glide over the land, and changing colors brighten up the landscape. It’s like a dreamscape, another world. I recall reading the ‘flowering of human consciousness’ in…Continue Reading

Traveler’s Moon

Traveler’s Moon

Traveler’s Moon is seeing each new day as a traveler through life. This feeling calls for being filled with curiosity, seeing the new beauty that arises with each sunrise, and thrilling at awesome discoveries just waiting for you the observer. Pretend you’re a visitor from a far off place, seeing your home, land, and people…Continue Reading

Equinox: Other Realms

Equinox: Other Realms

Equinox: Other Realms, reminds us of all the invisible fields, the layers of energy, that create the world around us, and ourselves. These layers in the Earth, Sea, and Sky, are moving, and evolving in the basic elements of life. We bring the forth element, the fire and Light of Consciousness to the mix as…Continue Reading

Ancient Magic

Ancient Magic

Ancient Magic is exploring the Unknown as you learn more about yourself and the world. It’s connecting and communicating with the Other World of Spirit, Dreams, and inspiration. The goal is to integrate more wisdom, knowledge, and light. Owl is Wisdom. As Spirit Guide to the goddess Athena, little owl perched on her shoulder, and…Continue Reading

Coastal Path

Coastal Path

Coastal Path is consciously choosing The Smooth Path of Life. It’s the easy way to go, to explore, to discover, and to transition into more. The Smooth Path is the liminal space between, the mysterious boundary separating new potentials from old patterns, feelings of knowing from following the crowd, and creating life instead of letting…Continue Reading

Being Alive

Being Alive

Being Alive is an inner journey that reveals itself as we give our gifts to the world. It’s not thinking as much as feeling. What triggers your passion and curiosity? First, I sat outside on the deck, just observing the nature all around me. I was surrounded by fast soaring hummingbirds. Then incredible butterflies appeared.…Continue Reading

Flowing Light

Flowing Light

Flowing Light is gaining wisdom, having experiences, and moving energy with intention and Love. This is why we’re here. Raising consciousness means living with awareness and choice in all we do. There are many ways to do this. ‘Flowing Light’ is from Crete. I loved the image of golden lights in the sky and sea.…Continue Reading

Three Magic Owls
Dreaming The New Earth
Play of Light
Traveler’s Moon
Equinox: Other Realms
Ancient Magic
Coastal Path
Being Alive
Flowing Light
Opening Heart