Traveler’s Moon

Traveler’s Moon

traveler's moon
Traveler’s Moon, taking curiosity & fresh eyes feelings wherever you go

Traveler’s Moon is seeing each new day as a traveler through life. This feeling calls for being filled with curiosity, seeing the new beauty that arises with each sunrise, and thrilling at awesome discoveries just waiting for you the observer. Pretend you’re a visitor from a far off place, seeing your home, land, and people for the first time. Also, be interested in everything, wanting to grasp the present moment in every sensuous detail.

For example, I see this in the faces and stories of friends who have just returned from Italy, Portugal and Spain. These are the dreamers of far off places, where a simpler life exists. Plus, they’d love to live there because of the way they ‘feel’ when they’re there.

But really, they change their approach to life while there. They usually slow way down. They are more interested in learning the story of the place, seeing the views, and tasting unusual dishes.

Also, far off lands offer more relaxed daily rituals. Morning coffee becomes an event, as well as a new experience. More cafe’s have outdoor dining, along with a timeless pace where lunch can be a 3 hr affair. The ordinary becomes extraordinary with a shift in focus as all becomes new again.

My painting is an interpretation of an Italian Dreamscape. I surrounded myself with favorite images of the place, allowing the color feelings to sink in. Huge mountains seem to disappear into the clouds. Hills gently roll to the ever colorful Sea. Plus, layer upon layer of golds and greens flow to the light of a Super Moon. Magic lives here.

Traveler’s Moon reminds us to bring those feelings into our every day life.

I have a friend who loves the Beach. She was told to carry that Beach within and summon it up every day.

First of all, one must step away from the chaos of the outer World, and simplify their life. What make you personally happy?

My list today is owls, the Moon, mystery, magic, Summertime, and making each day feel like a vacation. Hold the feeling of Summer freedom, away from work, schedules, and other’s agendas every day. Eating outside, enjoying the Sun, just sitting and taking in the view, all things of the traveler, I do whenever the weather permits. It’s like having a picnic just to be surrounded by sky, trees, water, and the changing colors of the season.

Become the Tourist of your town/city. Look up the 10 top attractions where you live & start visiting. Secondly, seek out the dark skies near you. Get the Star Guide App and follow the constellations and satellites over you! Get notifications when the International Space Station flies over and connect to another world! I love it.

Therefore, become the explorer. Everything has changed so much since Covid, that you’ll be seeing new places and people wherever you go. I love to find quaint shops, hunt down the rare bookstore, browse flea markets, and especially experience Art Fairs.

Immerse yourself in a Travel Book about some romantic far off place. Try an ethnic restaurant for a change. In addition, follow the phases of the Moon. Draw 4 cards from an oracle deck to get your 2 week focus at each New Moon: beginnings, and Full Moon: completion. Treat yourself to something new that reflects the person you want to be. Life is always what you make it, so make it Great!

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